Palm trees chopped down at 16th and Mission

Our favorite irate aged mission fella brings us this news:

Last night, all the palm trees at the 16th Street & Mission BART Plazas were sawed-off — both sides. Don’t know why, but the BART website says that, back in 2009, one tree had to be removed because it was dead. These trees did not appear to be dead, but it might have been a case of vermin control — they were hosts to hordes of pigeons — in which case, blame Swan.

Anyone know the real reason why the trees were extracted? My first guess would have been coconut related injuries, but I doubt these oversized monocots were fruit-bearing.


Mr. Eric Sir took a nearly-identical picture! Is Mr. Eric Sir Cranky Old Mission Guy’s alter ego?

Update 2:

triple0 adds that this might be a part of a public works project:

In 2009 at the Mission Streetscape Public Workshops, they said that BART planted them without considering the root systems, so they were stunted and going to be removed at some point, likely in preparation for re-doing the BART station. But, that might have been 24th Street – I can’t remember.

City’s website about it:


Mission-style burrito wars heat up in Oxford, England

Last summer we heard all about some place in Oxford called The Mission Mexican Grill. Yesterday, word came down that there’s a new game in town (in Oxford). It’s called Mission Burrito:

These exterior pics are great, but what about the grub??

[via Kate]

Fucker/fuckee relationship advice

Ryan D. found this posted in his apartment and thought he’d share:

Some might mistakenly call this this a passive-aggressive note, but there’s really nothing “passive” about it. Please folks, tell your hook-up what apartment you live in. Using the process of elimination doesn’t work so well at 2:30am.

Late-night sidewalk bounce house action

Synecdochectomy came upon this scene the other night. It’s a SpongeBob bounce house straddling a stretch of sidewalk, from house to gutter, full of screaming tots, late at night.

Fun with Facebook

If you’re not following Mission Mission on Facebook, you should. If only for the LOLs brought by local pussy debilitater (and frequent commenter) Ryan Christopher Parks:


Karina Denike interview on Slumming It

Local comedian Emily Heller has a cool radio show called “Slumming It” on FCC Free Radio with Marcello Fama.

Turns out she’s pals with local singer Karina Denike, who you might know from the ’90s 3rd wave ska band Dance Hall Crashers, and had a great interview with her on a recent show. Hear them chat about the golden age of East Bay punk, opening for MC Hammer, how the Rite Spot launched a ton of awesome bands, and the Dance Hall Crashers mysterious lez-appeal.

On a related note, Sunday we went out to the Riptide to see Karina Denike sing with the Cottontails. Allan kept raving about the DHC’s remix of Rancid’s “I Wanna Riot” (which she didn’t remember and actually turned out to be the Stubborn Allstars… OOPS), Karina told us a pretty crazy story about getting mugged in the Mission in the ’90s, and we’re pret-ty sure Fat Mike from NOFX was hanging out for a minute.

MP3: Karina Denike on Slummin It

P.S. Karina plays with her own band 2nd Sundays at the Rite Spot Cafe, and all this ’90s talk is making me want to cruise down San Pablo bumping “Give ‘em the Boot Vol. 1″.

Boot with a message

While you’re waiting to settle your tickets with the SFMTA, why not register to vote?

[20th and Lex via c.k.chew]

The best part of Bay to Breakers?

It’s not really a question, it’s more of a fact. The highlight of this year’s Bay to Breakers was the return of KID CHICKEN, the best dancer in the Panhandle under the age of 12

This kid’s got moves I’ve never seen.  Check out the video from his 2009 performance and TELL ME this Kid Chicken isn’t bound for greater things beyond dancing for drunken onlookers once a year.

[Video via Mike Cuffe]

Kelly from Indie Mart needs your help to beat cancer

If you have ever been to Indie Mart, read The Bold Italic, or experienced a class at Workshop, you probably know who Kelly Malone is, and found that she is a creative force to be reckoned with. Kelly has recently been diagnosed with an advanced stage cancer, and needs our help to pay for the expensive treatments that she needs. From the Workshop website:

Originally dropped from her previous insurance because of the cancer diagnosis, Kelly has had no chance of obtaining new health insurance due to this pre-existing condition. Through this all, Kelly keeps a smile on her face and continues to give back to San Francisco, often devoting much of her own income and sweat to continue businesses that enrich the city. As a successful small business owner, designer, artist, event planner, part of the Treasure Island Music Festival & Noise Pop, Kelly has been able to keep up with medical bills through the ongoing treatments, surgeries, and chemotherapy schedules. But this latest diagnosis requires a treatment path that will exceed her financial abilities, and most likely require her to take a hiatus from her businesses. So she is now asking San Francisco for a helping hand.

Over the next few months, several fundraisers and donation drives will help raise the funds to pay for surgeries, chemotherapy, hospital stays, medication and care. Though Kelly has taken on the task of superhero in past bouts with cancer, always working during her treatment schedules, this time she needs to take a few months off so that she can go heavier on her treatment and kick cancer for good. If you’ve been to an Indie Mart, if you have been to a class at Workshop, if you have been to a Kelly Malone event, or if you are simply a fan of Kelly’s mission, and willing to help out, we ask that you help out.

We adore Kelly, and have been chronicling her comings and goings for ages, and we wish her a quick and easy recovery. You can click here to donate, and any amount is greatly appreciated.

[Photo via 7x7]

Dead body at 24th Street BART

Something is going on at the 24th St BART, and it’s not looking good:

[Thanks, Aaron!]

UPDATE: Mission Local reports:

A 60 year-old man collapsed on the platform of the 24th Street BART this morning. He was a construction worker, on his morning commute.

The man was dead by the time that paramedics arrived.

Read on.