Rock band is the new little league

Check out this video of a kiddo rock band rocking Rage Against the Machine’s ”Killing in the name” at the Makeout Room. Apparently kids’ taste in music hasn’t changed in 15 years, because I was playing this exact song with my shitty garage band then (although not nearly as well):

First of all: it’s sung by a girl, so take that, gender roles. Secondly, all 17 “Fuck You”s are fully intact, along with the “MOTHERFUCKERRRRR” at the end. That takes some serious guts, considering their moms are probably in the audience. Third, the lead guitarist who takes Tom Morello’s whammy pedal solo probably plays better than you do.

If you’re interested in  signing up your kid for this sort of awesomeness, the show was put on by SF Rock Project.

In other news, “rock ‘n’ roll band” has been officially removed from the list of ways to rebel against your parents. What’s next, drugs?

Inside the in-store custom bag program at Chrome

Local bag makers Chrome have relaunched their newly expanded  in-store custom bag program, and it is RADICAL. Not only do you get to design the Chrome bag of your dreams, you get to watch Michael (bag sewer extraordinaire) put it together and make your dreams a reality right in front of your eyes. With loads of new colors, fabrics, and accouterments to chose from, you could literally spend hours picking out your new bag.

We were lucky enough to check out the process for ourselves, and got to create what could possibly be the COOLEST BAG in the history of bags. Check it out after the jump:


Sexpigeon at 7,500

To celebrate its 7,500th post, Sexpigeon is selling t-shirts featuring this dazzling new custom logo. Read all about the process here, or go straight to the shirt store.

Congrats, Team Sexpigeon!

What could possibly have made 1998 better?

If ’98 what?

New app cross references your check-ins with local crime data

…and it’s called Square-anoia. Creator Clay Smith explains:

It takes your foursquare checkins and maps them with nearby reported San Francisco crime — so, in my case, I discovered when I went to Mission Chinese last week there were 3 nearby assaults reported.

Hopefully this will somehow increase the relative safety of foursquare users in the Mission.

Hopefully. Try it out here.

‘Boom Boom Boom Boom!!’ even better with a live sax solo

Sorry I didn’t get any digital evidence, but DJ Purple just now at Make-Out Room busted out a bangin’ sax solo during a musical break on this classic Vengaboys jammer. I was pretty floored. You’re just gonna have to try to imagine what it was like.

OR, sing “Boom Boom Boom Boom!!” at the next DJ Purple party. (Which, of course, is Thursday at Jack’s.)

Crowd surfing is always better when there’s a chandelier involved

Carlos snapped this gem at Diary on Saturday. I gotta start going to Diary more often.

Fresh organic juices, smoothies and kombucha direct to your door!

TCB delivers the good news (and anything else you could possibly want):

Sidewalk Juice has too many drinks on their menu each day to list them all online, but they do list the top three smoothies, top three juices and top three kombuchas right here.


Owner of Harrison St. ultra-liberal camper van likely not raptured Saturday

The Harrison St. crazy camper van was still here on Saturday. But then again, so are all of us, so I guess that means we’re all equally heathen . Not that we’re surprised.

Anyone know know the owner? I’ve always wondered what a Mexican psychedelic pagan anti-racist satan-worshipping atheist burner looks like.

How to make a lime/strawberry swirl frozen margarita at Puerto Allegre

One person pours, the other person spins the glass. Voila!