Demystifying the Blue Macaw

Ever wondered what the inside of the Blue Macaw looks like? It was almost two years ago we first took a virtual look inside. And we’ve mentioned a couple of fun-sounding events since then. But has anybody actually gone inside yet?

I know you’re still curious. Tonight, you can find out at this show. Stay tuned for a follow-up post!

More like Yum-o

Mission Local compiled a list for 7×7 of the 20 best dishes under $10 in the Mission, and the comments are all up in arms about the exclusion of Yamo. Personally, I concur. One of the best deliciousness-to-price ratios in the Mission. Maybe it’s too lowbrow for this “elite” list?

[Photo via Yelp]

Painted train, 2002

If you think Mission Mission is too liberal with its celebration of graffiti, you’re going to fucking hate Poison Darts ✞ Broken Hearts. Over the weekend, they posted this picture and explained its lasting importance:

#1 – clean trains don’t get painted here, ever.

#2 – if a train did get painted, it would never run – they pull it immediately and send to the buff.

#3 – Not only is this train painted AND running with passengers, but it also happens to be during the World Series of 2002.

#4 – The baseball park downtown opened in 2001, so it was a pretty big deal to have the Giants in the series the following year.  The swell of home-town pride was so over the top.

#5 – Vic20 painted this N train, which runs above ground through downtown, passed the ballpark where millions of fans were partying outside, and then through the entire subway system and out the tunnel toward the beach (above ground yet again.)  It must have made this trip a total of 50 times back and forth before finally being taken out of commission to be cleaned.

Read on for a bit more commentary.

The big question is, sure we burned mattresses and hijacked buses and fire engines and attacked taxis and ran down pedestrians, but how come nobody managed anything this constructive and epic during the Giants’ SUCCESSFUL trip to the World Series last year?

What does badger say?


Sure, I can jump on this bandwagon.

Surfing to ‘El Farolito’

I ran into garage rock icon Tim Foster at the Nar reunion the other night, and ever since I’ve been on a ’90s garage rock kick. I stumbled upon this Trashwomen classic just now.

A better ode to our favorite burrito than the chopped and screwed Mariah Carey hit? Time will tell.

Bestial fun with our local newspaper of record

Doctor Dex says:

This guys life is ruined


MM Bloody Marython Round 2 this Sunday!

Now that we can finally manage to look a bloody mary in the face again without experiencing severe nausea after all of that ridiculous indulgence during our initial foray, we figured it was time to get moving on round 2 of the Mission Mission Bloody Marython.  Last time we held the tour on a Saturday to provide us with plenty of time to recover the next day, but that unfortunately forced us to miss all of the bartenders who bring their bloody mary best on a Sunday!  Luckily, thanks to the upcoming 3 day weekend afforded by Memorial Day, this is the perfect opportunity to delve into their creations while still enjoying a buffer day of recovery.

So, please join us at 12 noon this Sunday for the next installment of the Mission Mission Bloody Marython.  We haven’t exactly solidified the route yet, but at the moment the idea is to hit up (in roughly this order):

  • Thieves Tavern (14th @ Guerrero) – home of the vegan bloody mary
  • The Attic (24th @ Mission) – tiny cubes of cheese!
  • Pop’s (24th @ York) – maybe we can get some BBQ too
  • Phone Booth (26th and S. Van Ness) – a dark horse contender
  • Argus Lounge (Mission @ Valencia) – everyone keeps saying I need to try these

It will be a merry bloody mary fueled romp through the Mission, with a few nice walks in between for some exercise too!  Look, we even made a Facebook event page.  We’ll also probably post an update here when we finalize our route and schedule.  See you on Sunday at noon!

[Photo by Mike Chino]

Tiny package party!

Yesterday, I stopped by The Curiosity Shoppe to see the Jason Polan show, and happened to catch Emily at the register making these tiny packages and letters! I was so stunned by cuteness that I forgot to take a photo.

Luckily, the good folks at The Curiosity Shoppe had me covered. And it turns out there’s a party involved:

For the past couple of years The Curiosity Shoppe has been the happy host of The World’s Smallest Post Service. Once a month artist Lea Redmond sets up her portable letter-writing station and proceeds to dazzle and delight customers with her miniature letter-writing skills. Now the fine folks at Chronicle Books have teamed up with Lea to create an amazing kit so that you too can create and send the most darling diminuitive missives you’ve ever seen.

We’ll be celebrating Lea and The World’s Smallest Post Service Kit this Saturday from 6-8pm at the Shoppe. Come on down and meet Lea and get your hands on one of her fantastic kits! There will be snacks!!

WHAT: World’s Smallest Post Service Party
WHEN: Saturday, May 28th, 6-8pm
WHERE: The Curiosity Shoppe (855 Valencia St. btwn 19th & 20th Sts.)

Forager foraging

That’s gonna be a gnarly dinner salad.

[via Carlos]

Remembering your beloved fire-ravaged home

R.I.P. 506 Capp!

[via The Tens]

UPDATE: Art by Stevie Laney.