Didgeridoo or didgeridon’t?

Whoa! I saw this guy a couple weeks ago on BART. He didged all the way from West Oakland to 24th Street. No one seemed to really mind (including BART police), but he attracted some raised eyebrows…

[via lahlahlindsey]

Cauldron of boiling oil perched precariously

Be real careful if you plan on stumbling out of the LAC and weaving all over the sidewalk. That oil was a-bubblin’.

Mac ‘n’ cheese grilled cheese with jalapenos and bacon

I’m sort of a vegetarian, so it never occurred to me to throw any bacon into the mix, but I’ll be damned if that doesn’t look like a damn good idea. I bet the bacon helps soak up all the starch?

Bender’s sure rules.

[via Austin Kamps]

Skating down a big grassy hill in Dolores Park

[via Squeaky Clean Dave]

AKA Jester Jizz

[via C'mon Pony]

Fancy beer bar Abbot’s Cellar coming soon to Valencia Street

Eater SF tells us about the new outpost from the Monk’s Kettle folks, coming this winter to Valencia near 18th (pictured above is the current incarnation, John’s Jaguars):

The “very focused” beer program will include 100 food-friendly bottles, some aged options, seasonal flights and 24 beers held on draft at the proper temperature. Beer geeks, please note two hand-pump cask engines will also be in the house.

Read on.

I triple dog dare you

Spotted at 24th and Bartlett. Ironically, someone had just asked me for spare change.

Demystifying the Blue Macaw, part 2

I went to the Blue Macaw and all I got were these lousy iPhone photos.

Macaw decor was in top form, though.

If you squint, you can almost make out the price of a PBR at the bottom of the board: four dollars! This has to be illegal.

Is this Portland?

Thank goodness.

[Thanks, Cole!]

Rad Kool-Aid sneakers

[via Adhesive Product]