Omer the pizza guy

True, most times he’ll just spout off leud or homophobic comments sung to the tune of Batman as you walk by.  And other times he’ll get so wasted on the sidewalk across the street from your house that he starts talking Tea Party nonsense, or he’ll climb inside Yoko-Ono’s window.  But sometimes, just sometimes, he offers you a pizza when you really need a pizza.

Recipe for summer fun

Add a dash of sunny backyard and a helping of good friends — summer fun incarnate!

[via Hampshire House]

Bathroom stall S.O.S.

I hope they made it out alive.

[via We Built This City]

Mission Beach Cafe’s BBQ Tuesdays returns

Mission Beach Cafe is starting it’s summer BBQ dinner menu on Tuesday nights again. Just thought you all should know, in case you’re really jonesing for some ribs after a long holiday weekend of drinking.

(Thanks, Brittany!)

[Photo via moleskinboy]

BARTboarding blooper

Reader Marcus just got in touch via a comment on our Contact us page to recommend a video he shot over the weekend. Here’s how it all started:

‎Hey Terresina, you should totally just like, stand on your skateboard and when the train stops, you’ll like, go forward.

Was it a solid hypothesis? See for yourself:

Crazy black Chevy Impala hit and running cyclists, still at large

Wow, be careful out there fellow cyclists–it sounds like we have another maniac on the loose.  Our pal Shelley and her friend were just menaced by a crazy driver who appears to have it out for people riding bicycles:

It was a black Chevy Impala with tinted windows. Rammed us from behind heading northbound on Shotwell btw 17th and 18th (right in front of the ODC building), and then executed a 3 point turn to escape. It was crazy, he came at us honking, and then shouted “I warned you!” as he drove off. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I’m just grateful the only serious damage was to Erik’s bicycle (The bike ended up under the dude’s front bumper.. totally snapped the back rim in two, crushed the right side toe clip, headset is fucked, etc.)

Luckily, they got the license plate and filed a police report, so be on the lookout for a Black Chevy Impala with license # 6PWS040.

It was almost one year ago exactly that some creep in an SUV went on a rampage and targeted 4 different cycles before eventually being caught by police, and even less than that since Yannick Linke was killed at Turk and Masonic by an allegedly drunk driver who then tried to flee the scene, so it’s clear that there’s definitely still some tension between automobiles and bicycles, even in one of the most cycle-friendly cities in the country.  Be careful out there everyone!

[Photo by Troy Holden]

Awful awning on yet-to-open Italian bakery removed

Maybe they took our advice re: getting a better looking awning. Or maybe the grammar police shut them down re: their awful awning’s egregious spelling errors.

Or maybe that Italian bakery thing just isn’t happening, and instead a small self-service restaurant called Juntos Club is coming soon pending public hearing:

Sweet Mission Station SFPD merch for sale

This is a discontinued design, so they’ve only got L and XL left. But there are several new designs as well, on shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc. The Mission Station booth at Carnaval is located on Harrison just south of Mariposa.

MM Sunday Bloody Marython tomorrow!

As we threatened earlier this week, the MM Bloody Marython will recommence tomorrow at noon starting at Thieves Tavern on 14th Street by Guerrero.  We hope you join us for what definitely promises to be a shitshow.

After Thieves, we’ll traverse through several hundred scantily clad women shaking their ta-tas for Carnival towards our next stop at Pop’s on 24th by York.  From there, we’ll probably stop by the Phone Booth on S. Van Ness at 26th.   Unfortunately, Chelsea from the Attic is out of town this weekend and won’t be able to spoil us with her creativity and cheese cubes, but she hopes to be around for future tours.

Well, enough banter–see you tomorrow at noon!

[Photo by Mike Chino]

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Iron-on graffiti


This makes me want to bust out the iron and make Perler Bead dinosaurs for everyone.