What if your life was a videogame?

A group of teens just spent the last 14 weeks answering this very question, and the fruits of their labors will be on display at a gala opening tonight at the Lab:

Work by Brienne Hong, Shaye Hong, Anthony Truong, Kim Daniel-Richardson, Brendan Conklin, Glenda Maxine Zhu, Sloan Zhu, and Tatiana Ariza.

Music provided by DJ 50Cal

Please join us for the one-night exhibition/arcade, potluck, and celebration of “My Life The Video Game.”

“My Life The Video Game,” is a 14-week workshop where teens design, program, and produce video games, based on goals, challenges, and rules in their real lives. The workshop was developed and facilitated by Marijke Jorritsma in collaboration with the Lab and San Francisco Art Institute’s City Studios program.

RSVP and invite your friends here.

Artist bios and game descriptions after the jump:


Public monster

And just like that, those beloved clinical proclamations of nether regions are gone, only to be replaced by this vicious purple window monster.

UPDATE: The monster has moved.

A word that I can’t understand

Spotted at Little Star.  Perhaps the Egg Bandit has moved across the street?

Civic pride

Everybody’s always giving Ohio transplants a hard time, but with this hot lid, Jen ensures no hater will muster the gusto to step to her. Well done, Jen.

Your ruler


Well, he does make a strong argument.

Motorcycle outside The Zeitgeist.

Another parklet coming to Valencia!

Spotted between 22nd and 23rd, in front of Zaytoon and The Crepe House.


Cheeseburger with grilled-cheese sandwiches for buns

Yessir, this is a cheeseburger with one whole grilled-cheese sandwich for a top bun and one whole grilled-cheese sandwich for a bottom bun. Get ‘em while they’re hot, only at the Sycamore.

The question is, is this more decadent than the Mac ‘n’ cheese grilled cheese with jalapenos and bacon at Bender’s?

[via Eater SF]

UPDATE: No, no. The question is, when will Bender’s introduce the Mac ‘n’ Cheese Grilled-Cheese Cheeseburger, the cheeseburger with a whole mac ‘n’ cheese grilled cheese sandwich for a top bun and a whole mac ‘n’ cheese grilled cheese sandwich for a bottom bun?

Little boy lynched

Okay, if shoes on a wire mean you can score some dope on this block, surely a shoe and a Pinocchio means something even more sinister — but what exactly? One shudders to think.

[via Dex]

Kanye West as Nobunny

Our buddy Allie put together this genius bit of madness. Dang. Can you imagine if Kanye and Nobunny were to actually collaborate? The world would never be the same.

MM Bloody Marython Sunday edition: The Phone Booth


We wrapped up our liquid brunch adventure at the Phone Booth in the capable hands of bloody maestro Chris Southgate, who calmly took in our order for 40 bloody marys with a smile and went to work.  Utilizing a recipe that included Guinness and horseradish in addition to the normal ingredients we’ve come to expect, Chris served us a simple drink without all the bells and whistles of some of the other bloodys but with a particular zest and freshness that hit the spot perfectly (while also administering an impressive yet cleverly disguised alcohol content).
