And just like that Dan Plasma takes the wall back


It was a Dan Plasma Tiger piece for a while, then it got turned into a group piece, now, not two months later, Plasma takes it back. How long will this one last?

R. Kelly tags local taxi interior

Nice one, R.

[via Satan's Weiner]

Hot new look for (a wet-and-warm San Francisco) summer: Short shorts, Lolita glasses and a see-thru raincoat

Shannon always comes prepared. Gotta love this weather.

Hot new look for summer: Your weird old clothes from childhood are actually way cooler now

Liz didn’t get this in a thrift store! It isn’t ironic at all! Maggie was her dog! Hot look!

Hot new look for summer: Yellow means caution, red means stop

Our buddy C’mon, Pony seems to be in NYC, scoping out the fresh new looks.

Really though, SF was playing around with this look ages ago.

Whack-job storm system causes gnarly sunset

Bernalwood explains the phenomenon and shows us a bunch more gorgeous photos here.

Weird Fish horse hanging in somebody’s living room

[via We Built This City]

Cockhorsin’ around

(Thanks, Dex!)

Dickshark attacks NYC

[via OMFG]

Jane ‘Sue Sylvester’ Lynch is at Mission Cliffs right now

[via We Built This City]