Prince tribute show tonight + GIVEAWAY!

It’s Prince’s birthday today! He’s amazing! Yeah that whole Jehovah’s Witness thing is kinda weird, but it didn’t stop him from making lewd gestures at his Super Bowl performance like this:

To celebrate, the fabulous Jazz Mafia Allstars (you know,that group of guys that jammed with Stevie Wonder in the Mission that one time) are putting on an all Prince tribute night at the new Brick and Mortar club on Duboce and Mission. Doors are at 8, show at 9.  Cover is $10.

The Jazz Mafia All-Stars featuring Joe Bagale, Joe Cohen, Matt Berkeley, Adam Theis and Jon Monahan will take you through the Prince catalog in celebration of his Birthday month!  Guests to include Crystal Monee Hall, Uriah Duffy, Chris Mcgee, Soulati and Infinite (Felonious MCs), Ryan Greene, DJ Teeko, Sonya D and Many more!

Do you want to go? Post a comment telling us why you deserve these two complimentary tickets and we’ll pick the best answer by 6pm tonight. Be sure to post using your real email address, ok?

Concrete arboretum

There’s been a lot of talk about new parklets lately, but what about forestlets?

Pizza monster strikes again


Lurking at 24th and S. Van Ness, reminding us of our own inner pizza monsters.


Pink helmets

A nice touch added to the bicycle ramp over the Gauntlet.  Or is it called the Hairball?  Regardless, it’s obviously the raddest intersection in the city.

In case you were wondering


Mystery solved.

Handsome antique kiddie chair up for grabs

Slightly used, only a handful of bedbugs. Southwest corner of 19th and Hampshire.

Hot new look for summer: Winter


[via The Fog Bender]

This guy would marry you

So, this flyer is a bit lower-fi than the Muni boyfriend job we saw earlier. But does that in fact make it way more charming? I think it might. More importantly, what the hell is going here exactly?

[via The Minutes]

Hot new look for summer: All woozy and vulnerable after an invasive dental procedure


[via Honey In Yr Brain]

Hot new look for summer: Defying gravity


[Photo by Jason Yim]