Win tickets to Hard French Pride Party 2011 at Public Works!

I’ve expressed my love for Hard French in the past and have been exhorting you all to see what the fun is all about for some time, and now you have the perfect opportunity:  The Hard French 2011 Pride Party at Public Works on Sunday, June 26th!  They folks behind this weekly afternoon party are kicking it up a notch for Pride with DJs and live performances by some of the fiercest acts in the Bay Area.

The best part is that we’re giving away two free tickets to whichever MM readers post the raddest Hard French photo in the comments below!  Include a link to the photo (and a caption if you’re clever) and we will announce the winner at the beginning of next week!  If you have a Facebook photo, be sure that it’s set to “public” so everyone can see it, or just post it on Flickr or something.

Oh my.  I almost forgot to mention that the special guest will be Erase Errata!  Check out the full press release after the jump:

[Photo by Keep Drowning]


Epic train ride

Julio is the athlete. Terry is the photographer.

Do view it larger.

Yet another parklet nears completion on Valencia

The last Underground Market?

So it looks like ForageSF’s Underground Night Market got served a cease and desist letter from the health department. Here are a few shots from what may have been the last one!

This girl is maintaining a bucket list for her last 60 days in America before her visa expires.

Here is a rad painting of Bill Clinton and a bunch of people eating in front of it.

San Francisco through the eyes of a Vice Magazine staff photographer

I always thought everybody at Vice basically hated SF, but a new photo essay by one of their own shows evidence of some reverence toward this city we all definitely love so much.

Night Fog Reader has the whole thing right here.

Staying classy

I’m just gonna recommend you listen to this song “At Last, We Have Class!” by local band Palms Spring and then consider going to their show tonight at SUB-Mission:

At Last, We Have Class!

Killer, right? Show flyer after the jump:


Define ‘better’

“Interesting use of sarcasm by a bitch-ass tagger public-space blog commenter,” says our pal Cranky Old Mission Guy. Well done, Hesh.


I think this Teletubby ate something funny.

Copycat tree

I ran into these guys on San Jose between 23rd and 24th, filming local character Omer Travers talking about his favorite tree and playing some original songs. According to Omer, this tree — which he often sits in front of — mimics his dance moves in the wind and must be a “bonsai maple” because of its tiny leaves. What will become of this documentary project is yet to be determined, but stay tuned, and we may find out.

Street Shark

Uh oh.  You know what this means . . .


So you wish Burning Man would go on all year?