Happy Father’s Day, helmet guy!


[via Bunch O' Hunks]

Devon Williams and Terry Malts at the Knockout tonight!

We’re huge Terry Malts fans over here at MM, but tonight’s show at the Knockout also features a special bonus that’s just too good to pass up.  Our pal Devon Williams happens to be making an appearance, and we haven’t seen him play since high school!

It all started one recess back in 1998 when Devon asked us if we wanted to hear his demo tape.  Casually aware that he was in some Crass-inspired outfit known as Roscoe, we dutifully donned the headphones and braced for the cacophony.  Instead, we were greeted with the most melodic yet tenacious pop punk this side of Pinhead Gunpowder, which you can hear here.  Dubbed “Osker” (Roscoe backwards, sort of), this launched Devon on the most unlikely of journeys, which eventually saw him getting signed by Epitaph, releasing an album, playing at Warped Tour, and in the process becoming one of the most reviled punk bands in Southern California mostly due to his brutal honesty on stage and crowd-taunting antics.  The Punk-O-Rama track remains one of my faves to this day.

He’s toned it down a little bit in recent years, but we still wouldn’t miss this show for the world!

Film shoot makes shiny happy sign telling Mission residents not to touch their food

Our buddy Plumpy gives us a little background:

[Last] week, I got a flier on my door announcing the filming of an “indepedent feature film”. The important part says: “In a scene to be filmed in front of the Haight Ashbury clinic, one actor threatens another actor with a prop weapon while a group of onlookers (extras) look on. Do not be alarmed. The SFPD will be on site to facilitate our filming and ensure public safety.” I live on Mission St.; do they really think I would be alarmed by something as minor as a knife fight?

Ha! Not bloody likely! Here’s the notice in question:

Attend the gala premiere of Broke-Ass Stuart’s new TV show!

You saw the preview a few months back, and you’ve been excited ever since. Tonight at Public Works, you can watch a sneak preview of the first episode of Broke-Ass Stuart’s new show, Young, Broke & Beautiful.

Click the flyer to blow it up, and don’t forget to RSVP.

More info on the Facebook page here.

Temporary service road opens in Dolores Park

First breathtaking shots of Mollusk Surf Shop

YMFY writes, ‘Something amazing is coming to 15th and Valencia…’, and I’m pret-ty sure this is the new incarnation of Mollusk Surf Shop, currently only in the Sunset, opening in the Mission.

Almost makes me want to learn how to surf. But I can’t swim, so I guess I’ll just sit on the beach waxing my board like Rob Schneider in Surf Ninjas.

Minivan Torture

This is just cruel.

Fernet has a new anthem, everyone sing along!

Four Loko isn’t the only beverage with a catchy tune anymore. Everyone please welcome I Drink Fernet to the viral video scene, and remember to drink your medicinal elixirs responsibly.

Pile o’ loot

The contents of a Walgreens bag-shaped piñata? Quick everyone, free goodies! When I biked past this morning, the football purse was still up for grabs.

Dalva’s Hideout features Juniperio gin

So glad to see the Hideout supporting our premiere local distillery, which named it’s flagship gin after famous settler and inventor of the Mission, Juniperio Sierria.