Punks Can Be Kinda Cool Sometimes

That is all.

[Photo and Title by Scotty Roo Karate]

Marriage Is Legal!

I’d say read all about it over at SFist, but the whole world seems to be reading about it over on SFist, so SFist seems to be down at the moment. So, I’m reading about it on Twitter, before Twitter goes down.

Tranquil Dolores Park

This impressionist magic marker rendering of Dolores Park by Todd Berman gives me a tickle. It sort of feels more like the park than an actual picture of the park. And the original can be yours for just $65.


If Norman Rockwell Were Alive Today He’d Be Taking Cellphone Pictures

More Childhood Nostalgia in Neighborhood Street Art, This Time From the '90s

Remember how in Turtles in Time you could grab a Foot Soldier and throw him TOWARD YOURSELF? Like, AT THE CAMERA? Dang, I love nostalgia.

Photo by Penelope Popsicle.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortoise

Teenage Mutant Ninja Ice-Cream Cone

Teenage Mutant Ninja Poodle




I Love the Mid-’90s

Babar the Elephant Rides Recumbent Bike Through Panhandle

Reader Eric N. hips us to this fresh new item in abamber’s etsy store. Thanks, Eric!

Dancing on the Corner

Queena Kim over at the Bay Citizen yesterday published a look at TURF dancing, a thing the kids are doing in Oakland that’s apparently very popular in Europe thanks to YouTube:

“The hits started picking up in the U.S. a week or two ago,” Savion said. “While TURF dancing started in Oakland, to me YouTube has taken TURF beyond the neighborhood, and it’s becoming a global phenomenon.”

Read on (and watch the above video).

Update: Props to Youth Uprising for facilitating the movement.

Steve Jobs at Flour and Water

Sources say that after he was turned away due to the +1 hour wait, his entourage proceeded to Arinell, the best pizza in the city.

[Photo by ladylexy, via SFoodie]

If You See A Tortoise Roaming Around Please Call Us

And whatever you do, don’t let it get anywhere near that bad mutagen that’s been going around.

Photo by irina slutsky.

Moving Feat

Nile over at Gravel & Gold was lucky enough to see this heroic moving feat in the flesh. I’ve patted myself on the back for fitting an inordinate amount of junk in a Volvo station wagon, but that was nothing compared to this. This is poetry.

BART Teams Up with Google for Ultimate Trip Planner (with Bicycle Directions!)

Looks like this went live today!  BART.gov just launched a new revamped trip planner that uses the Google Maps API.  Now there’s an address tab in the QuickPlanner that allows you to enter addresses (or cross streets) in addition to mere BART stations in order to plan your Bay Area trips more precisely.

The cool thing about it is that you can seamlessly add in bicycle and walking directions, which weren’t there before, and it overall works really well. This is currently the only implementation of its type live on a transit site, which makes it kinda cool and innovative . . . nice work dudes!

So, to help illustrate how it works, say I’m planning on seeing a Saturday movie at the classy Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland, and the movie starts at 8pm.  I click on the address tab in the QuickPlanner, enter my address (or cross streets in this example, not that anyone would bother stalking me) in the start box, and then type “3200 grand, Oakland” [(address, city) or (street @ street, city) and yes, you have to actually type out "San Francisco", since "SF" alone is not sufficient lazybones] in the destination box, and viola! 

The detailed screen above pops up and shows me when I should leave for the BART station (and how to get there, duh), as well as what line I should take.  Then I can click on the bicycle tab to give me customized safe biking directions from the 19th Street station to the theatre, so I can finally see Inception like the rest of America.  Thanks BART and Google!

Just don’t try using your Clipper Card . . .