Proud Shoplifter

Excuse me, miss. I love your coat. Where did you steal it from?

[via Sex Pigeon]

Archeology Report: The Secret Lair of PEZ


Unearthed at Upper Playground.  Cowabunga dudes.

Music Flea Market TOMORROW

Let’s face it, you haven’t touched that Casiotone in years. It’s time to let go. Why don’t you head down to Zambaleta’s second Music Flea Market tomorrow and hand it off at to the next bright-eyed young musician? While you’re there, maybe you’ll find your true calling: the didgeridoo.

Saturday, August 7th
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Esperanza Garden
19th & Florida, San Francisco, CA 94110
Buy, sell, exchange, trade, teach, learn, play, dance, musical instruments, records, audio equipment, dance costumes.

Live performances and pizza all day.

[photo by prawnpie]

Ike's Evicted

Now for some bad news from the Castro:  Ike’s Sandwiches received an eviction notice from the SF Superior Court.  It seems that the popularity of the place finally caught up with it and that all of Mr. Shehadeh’s attempts to placate the demands of his NIMBY neighbors were for naught.  Which is a shame, because he definitely tried.  To wit:

  1. A ventilation hood required by the City for all sandwich delis was prevented from being installed due to a lack of a permit (which is provided by the City)
  2. His workers started working later (at 8:30am) so they wouldn’t disturb the morning slumber of neighbors
  3. Despite being served with a fine of $250 per day by the City, he decided to remain open and pay the fine on top of normal operating costs and employee salaries

And let’s not forget how those same NIMBY neighbors originally tried to extort Ike for a million dollars!  The eviction is scheduled to take place on August 26th.  Hopefully Ike will be able to find another location nearby.  Do yourself a favor and try a Menage a Trois before then.

[Photo by slowpoke_sf]


Ike’s Sandwiches Coming to the Mission… In Vending Machines?

Boogaloos Mobbed at Noon on a Friday


Is this even normal?  I was always under the impression that as long as you didn’t try to go to this place during the ridiculously crowded weekends, you would be okay.  Instead, perhaps owing to the welcome afternoon sunshine, the spot was packed with a waitlist at least ten-deep, so $4 mimosas had to be replaced with the $6 ones down the street at Revolution Cafe.

At least it meant that we got to hang out at the 22nd Street Parklet with these guys:



Boogaloos: New Menus Means New Prices

Bike Racks For Boogaloos (and Friends)

22nd Street Parklet to Include Big-Ass Marimba

Call For Art That Can Be Thrown From Bicycles

Papergirl SF is teaming up with Mission Bicycle Company for a cool art show of work that can be rolled up and delivered from bikes.

From Papergirl SF:

In the style of American paperboys, rolled art pieces are distributed in the streets to random passers-by for FREE!

Mission Bicycle Co. has offered to be a drop off site for submission (deadline is September 18th) and they are going to host an exhibition of all the work in the Women’s Building on September 26th. So if you don’t mind having your awesome art thrown at strangers on the street, get to work.

Remember, the medium must be deliverable via bike. Don’t just submit flyers for your band’s next show. That would be sort of lame.

iPhone Donut App

But couldn’t they just have saved some time and downloaded the Sex Pigeon Donut App instead?

The Tens has the scoop.


Who Stole Dynamo Donuts’ Sign?

Rats Menacing 24th Street?

Mission Local published a provocative article today suggesting that the 24th street corridor from Valencia to Potrero has a severe rat infestation on its hands, as three of its restaurants have been forced by the City to temporarily close due to vermin.  Super China Fun, purveyor of the questionable strategy of pricing food by the scoop, was one of the victims and will soon be replaced by a new Thai place, Chilli Cha Cha.  This has prompted some to ask the question of whether restaurants should be required to reveal that they have been shut down in the past for health violations.

It’s a tricky issue:  diners should have some sense of security that the food they are eating hasn’t been contaminated, but owners probably also shouldn’t be forced to wear a scarlet letter for the rest of their business lives if they’ve resolved the problem.  Rats are definitely an issue in the Mission, as they’ve contributed to the prolonged closure of one of our favorite margarita pitcher-slinging spots, La Rondalla (20th and Valencia), where it used to feel like it was Feliz Navidad everyday.  Similarly, local blogger Generic left his apartment in the Tokyo Go Go building because he was tired of an unending rodent infestation, and that was way over on 16th.

What about the rest of us?  Tell us, residents of the Mission:  Are you menaced by rats?  Are they IN UR HAUS, eatin ur granola?  Do you think anything should be done about it (can anything be done?), or is this just life in the Mission?

UPDATE!!!! Clever insight by commenter Elina:

The stupid landlords need to start allowing tenants to have pets. No rats or cock roaches in apartment with cats and dogs.

 Is it just that easy???


Chambered Nautilus Fun

We Built This City spotted this duo in Oakland somewheres.


Dancing on the Corner in Oakland

Squid With Human-Like Teeth Gloryhole

Cheap Eats at St. Luke's Hospital Cafeteria

Joshua and Ashley, on a quest for parfait, ended up at St. Luke’s Hospital:

We went up to the cafeteria and found a gold mine of delicious food made to order at extremely cheap prices. This parfait fed the two of us for $1.53.

Yum! I wonder what other sweet deals are to be had up there.