Glen Canyon Park Just Might Be the New Dolores Park

Many Machines says:

[T]his is the second Sunday visit in a row where I’ve encountered a group of off-brand bros, their lady friends, their dogs, and their beers. [link]

The migration has started! Glen Canyon Park is also cool because it has miles of hiking trails, occasional Jonathan Richman sightings, and coyotes running wild.


Potrero del Sol Park Just Might Be the New Dolores Park

Some VERY Altruistic Neighbors

Upon finding out that someone has parked their driveway, most San Francisco residents will immediately simply call SFDPT and wash their hands of the matter, wondering while they wait for the tow truck how anyone could possibly have the audacity to park there despite clearly labeled warning signs.

However, some neighbors are a little more understanding, or perhaps just happen to be nice people:

It’s nice to see neighbors be rad once in a while.


Cuddly “Stay the Hell Out of My Driveway” Sign

“There Are No Savesies”

Synchronized Crashing on 15th and Dolores

Look for synchronized car wrecking in the London 2012 Olympics.

[Retina-searing Photo by Walter Dukes]

Burning Gutters

(still from "Fire in the street spreads to parked cars.")

Sunday night around midnight someone lit the northside gutter between Mission and San Carlos streets on fire. At least two cars parked along the block were caught in the blaze. A third car pulled out from behind them before the fire spread, as seen here.

I came along after the flames had been put out and the two cars were pretty much melted into the sidewalk on their right sides. Since my camera’s in the shop I had no proof until Void (winner of our science themed music video contest) sent us this video by “northofsouthofmarket“.

The owners of the car in front, a middle aged male and female couple talking to each other in Spanish, stood and stared at the melted mess. I asked them what had happened and the man told me that “somebody with nothing better to do came here and lit a fire.”

Is this the work of the “carsonist” we’ve heard so much about? Or just some wanna be burner who missed the last bus to the playa? Either way, not cool, bro.

All-Cowgirl Nude Badminton in Old San Francisco (NSFW)

This scene has something to do with a girlie show that took place decades ago in what is now the Great American Music Hall on Treasure Island. (Be sure to consider this while swaying and nodding at the Hope Sandoval show there tonight during the Belle and Sebastian set there next month.)

[Burrito Justice Historical Update: "Sally Rand's Nude Ranch" was part of the 1939 Golden Gate Exposition (aka World's Fair) on Treasure Island. Epic, totally NSFW photos here. Sally made a name for her nude dancing at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair (bringing in $6K a week, the equivalent of $100,000!)  She  followed up with the 1.0 of the Nude Ranch in Ft. Worth at the 1936 Frontier Expedition.

In 1936, Sally Rand bought "The Music Box" (today's GAMH) where she performed her world-famous feather dance and bubble dance.  She continued to dance into her 70s, and worked with the Mitchell Bros in the early 1970s.]

Spots Unknown has some of the sordid details in a new post entitled Photos of San Francisco in 1939, and just published a follow-up article on Sally Rand.

Bike Wheel Buddies

Seen on 20th Street.

Shotwell, the Most Beautiful Street in the Mission

A love letter to Shotwell Street from reader Neo Displacer, via our Contact Us page:

I think you should do a post on how Shotwell is the most beautiful street in the Mission. I think folks may say Valencia, but they would be wrong. It has truly stunning people walking to and fro,  but the street? Not so much, it’s a commercial strand. How about Dolores? Nah, it’s the border between the encroaching Castro at the 18th St end and further south it’s Baja Noe. 24th? Are you kidding me? It’s great to walk between Papalote at one end and Dynamo at the other, great coffee can be had at at least 3 places. But again commercial, and what with the strollers it’s not as beautiful in walking human terms as Valencia. Now I live on Folsom, and you may argue it’s beauty. The allee is indeed gorgeous but the fact that is four lanes ruins it.  That brings me to Shotwell. It shares tree lining with Folsom yet it is informal. I was walking down it today and was struck by its loveliness.

There are many old, pre-quake, houses. They are well kept. There were many folks sitting on their stoops. There were several grills fired up cooking meat. I saw some kids playing. I saw one sexy-as-hell girl. Oh god Shotwell is there anything you can’t do? My first place in the Mission was at the far North end. It was a railroad flat and it was dirt cheap. That was 1992. Junkies often parked their cars in front and shot up.  But I forgive. My landlord had AIDS. He didn’t make it the 2 years I was there. He was cool and it was sad he left. He planted 2 ficus trees in front.  One night The 20-something chick upstairs had a party. Hipster dufii, drunk and disorderly, swung around the tree and dislodged it from its shallow roots. Needless to say I was pissed. I carefully replanted the tree and re-staked it. I watered it and hoped for the best. It was the least I could do for my old landlord. That tree is now huge. It stands next to its paired tree almost as tall as the old railroad flats. [Above] is the tree. It’s on the left, its partner on the right.

Thanks, ND! Nice work on that tree, and on this comment. And for the record, I did do a post like this, about two-and-a-half years ago: Shotwell Stroll (3/27/2008)

Tecate Cycling Caps (And Hamm's Cycling Caps)

Remember how stoked we all were for the Pabst cycling caps last year?

Well, as of today, Pushbike has an even cooler Pabst design, as well as this awesome Tecate model. And, as Pushbike’s blog post notes, you can’t count out the drunk Hamm’s bear (or the handsome Hamm’s typeface):

SF Mime Troupe In Dolores Park Tomorrow

The San Francisco Mime Troupe is performing for FREE in Dolores Park tomorrow, Monday 9/6. The show starts at 1:30pm.

They are called the “Mime Troupe” but don’t expect to see skinny dudes in whiteface pulling imaginary ropes. Do expect to see a hilarious musical theater production with a typical pinko SF spin on a current political theme.

This year’s production is called: “Posibilidad, Or Death of the Worker”. Here’s the trailer:

[photo by Steve Rhodes]

Yard Sale at 17th and Mission

Look at all this good stuff! For sale, on the cheap, right now!