Quite possibly the greatest incidental license plate ever, spotted in the SOMA on a Saturday night, and hopefully descriptive of exactly what was happening at the moment inside of that particular Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Kinda sounds like the premise of the climax scene (starting at 3:00) of the second-greatest music video ever, the BANNED VERSION of “Relax” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, available for your viewing pleasure below:

Sprinkler Party Absenteeism in Dolores Park

Some may view this as a thinly veiled passive aggressive attempt to keep drunk hipsters out of the park during one of the hottest Saturdays of the year, but I don’t quite see it that way.

Rather, the City was trying to throw the neighborhood a sprinkler party, but sadly no one seemed to want to participate.

Que lastima?


Dolores Park Community Meeting Recap

Glen Canyon Park Just Might Be the New Dolores Park

Shouldn't Have Ordered That Sidecar

Police seemed perplexed as to how this Mercedes actually ended up on its side here at an auto garage on the corner of Mission and Ocean, but any Grand Theft Auto veteran will tell you that it happens all the time.

A quick glance around the scene revealed some clues.  The bent parking meter and pole hinted at some sort of badly-miscalculated shortcut attempt, which, judging from the scattered debris, must have been undertaken at considerable velocity.

Still, not quite something you see everyday.

Active Guy Looking for an Adult Home

Happy Friday, everybody! Who wants a new pet?

Rascal — 3-year-old male rat terrier

This little Jack-in-the-box is jumping with joy! He is an active guy looking for an adult home where Adventure is the name of the game. Rascal has a short little tail that never stops wagging. He can’t wait to meet you!

All pets adopted from SFSPCA have received a pre-adoption veterinary exam and behavior assessment, vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery and a microchip.

Where: The San Francisco SPCA’s Maddie’s Adoption Center
Address: 250 Florida Street (at 16th – Street)
Hours: Open Tues – Friday 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday/Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Closed Mondays and major holidays.
Contact: 415-522-3500,
Follow SFSPCA at and

Lo-Fi Indie Rock Cover of Cee-Lo's 'Fuck You'

This is Burning Yellows, one of the bands opening for La Corde at the Hemlock tonight.

Narwhal Hot Dog

Hayley Cassatt‘s daily narwhal party is still going strong.


Gnarly New Narwhal on the Scene

The Best Skate Spot in the City

I think we found it.  Any other contenders?


Cat and a Skateboard

Brings New Meaning to the Word ‘Heelflip’

SFPD Officer Threatens to Break a Skateboarder’s Arm, Allegedly Kicks Him Into Cruiser

Portrait Show Includes Mesmerizing Bea Arthur Portrait

Soap Gallery tonight hosts an opening reception for a new portrait show featuring a bunch of work by a bunch of artists, chief among them this Bea Arthur by Veronica de Jesus.

See it in person tonight from 6-9pm. There will also be live music (not Andrew Gold though) and probably refreshments.

Bored Superparliament

Sexpigeon knows what they’re up to.

Baking Tartine Bread

KevMo at Uptown Almanac hipped us to this beautiful video of the making of Tartine Bakery’s delicious loaves. It goes on to show two other folks following the Tartine recipes and baking on their own at a small cafe and in the home. The latter featured baker is non other than the delightful Marié Abe, accordion babe!