Disney Coming to the Mission?

Rumor has it.

Photo by Ray Coshow.

More About The Armory

One Of Those "Hotel" Rooms?

(One of the infamous “hotel rooms”?)

Nick Fisher read our post from a few months ago about getting a free tour of The Armory and sprang into action. Last Friday his tour came up and he was kind enough to take Julie, Dottie and me with him.

Julie posted about it on Caliber, along with a link to the full set.

Check out the sights after the jump. (some NSFW stuff linked)


Hot Faces

Standing outside the Elbo Room the other night (after Tormenta Tropical, which was amaaazing) I got really into this other project I’ve been working on, and my friend Marijke gave it a name: Hot Faces.

Thanks to all who’ve participated! Who’s next?

Possibly related post:

On Beauty by Ramona

Table for One

If you’re not reading Table for One, you’re missing out. Every post is like For Whom the Bell Tolls — only shorter, and with no words, and not outwardly about war.

Help Create the Vision for a Renovated Dolores Park

From Bob Brust of Dolores Park Works:

Jacob Gilchrist, Rec and Parks Project Manager for the Dolores Park renovation has organized a series of public meetings to “help create the vision for a renovated Dolores Park.” The first of these Public Meetings will be this Monday, September 13, 6:30 PM at the Dolores Park Church.

If you have thoughts, concerns or ideas on the renovation, this is the place to bring them. The meeting will include panelists from local organizations committed to Dolores Park, including Dolores Park Works steering committee member Crystal Vann Wallstrom.

Jacob promises to provide an overview of where we are in the renovation process and to answer all of our questions. “We can now begin, as a group, the overall conversation for how best to improve the park.” Jacob told us, “I am optimistic that we can actually begin moving forward with a real design and improvement conversation.”

Information on this project can also be found on the new Dolores Park Renovation website, parks.sfgov.org/dolorespark where you are encouraged to participate in the on the on-line survey. Jacob is also encouraging us to contact him directly with any questions or ideas. Please make sure your ideas are heard.

When: Monday, September 13, 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Where: Dolores Park Church, 455 Dolores Street
For additional information contact Jacob Gilchrist, 415 581-2561

See you there!


Dolores Park Community Meeting Recap

The Bog

If you’ve never been to the bog, check it out next time you’re in Golden Gate Park. It’s a trip.

Here is a map.

Take Care of Your Feet

Bianca Dagger has some advice for the ladies (and maybe some gentlemen) regarding footwear and foot care. Read on.

Berlin Mystery Girl

Fashionist goes to Berlin! What fun! And check out the pumps on this mystery girl! Read on for some analysis and some close-ups.


Fashionist Goes to Vietnam

Fashionist Goes to Austin

Floor Drugs

Over the weekend, Janebook published a helpful guide to the San Francisco floor drug scene — where to get safe floor drugs, where to avoid sketchy floor drugs, etc. Here’s some analysis of the situations at two popular Mission watering holes:

delirium – you get the satisfaction of knowing that these drugs belonged to one of those lame dudebros who you hate for “ruining the mission” on weekends. this dudebro is (or will be in 20 minutes when he goes to do a bump and can’t find his drugs) hella bummed, and you helped make that happen! but let’s be honest, this shit will be total garbage, i’m talking like you’ll do it all and not even get post nasal drip, and if you’re over 20 you will hate yourself for doing delirium floor drugs.

pops – an enormous, resounding no. you have like, a 50/50 chance of the drugs you find on the floor of this bar being good, which are actually not bad odds as far as floor drugs go. but where will you do them? doing blow in that bathroom is like being trapped on a mission-scumbag tower of terror ride. you WILL be haunted by ghosts of hipsters past, and you will undoubtedly find this to be kind of a buzzkill.

Read on.

So You Wish Burning Man Would Go All Year?

Move to rural China! These folks here are living the dream! You got your trippy yurt, you got your portable kitchen, a sewing machine for making DIY goods to barter, some kind of cart from which to vend your homemade tempeh banh mi — and satellite TV for when you just need to vedge after several nights of NON-STOP GETTING YOUR RAVE ON. Hop to it!

Thanks to You Might Find Yourself for pointing us to this revelatory photograph.


Kevin Goes to China!