Talk of Revolution in Dolores Park

Appendages of Cool, whose anonymous author is pictured here, just published a short story, written years ago, when the author was in college and perceived herself to be “real deep.” Here’s an excerpt:

So Anna and I sat and watched two scrappy adorable dogs playfully chasing each other, biting each others’ necks and rolling in the grass. “Wouldn’t it be great if you could just chase people you liked around and just sink your chompers in? Like hey, I like you, get it?” Anna asked. We often talked about awkward mating practices, how hard it was to snag our crushes and make them kiss us. We also talked about racism and class, how we hoped the country we lived in, whose quality of rational life was declining daily, needed some sort of revolution to make itself right.

Read on.

To Catch a Kiss

Photographer Jason Schlachet (of the Ohio Schlachets) has some thoughts on why “the kiss” is such a special sub-genre of street photography:

[I]t’s tricky to get right since you need to be close up, focusing, and yet not interrupting (or even be noticed during) the moment.

Read the rest, and see the above kiss (at 16th and Valencia) in its entirety, here.

'God Is Dead' Scrawled on a Church

That’s right, somebody scrawled “GOD IS DEAD” on the door of a church in the Mission. Is it a hate crime? Was it KKKatie, out on bail? Or is it viral marketing for some new show on FX?

Click here to view the full photo by photographer Oscar Arriola.

‘Fun’ With Public Urination

In this, the video for “Fun Just Slacking Off” by Please Quiet Ourselves, we get a look at the public urination situation at Fort Mason, which is perhaps another candidate for “the new Dolores Park” (not). Here’s the whole video:

[via SFist]


Fun With Public Urination

Blue Bottle, the New American Apparel?

So asserts Fayes Video‘s Mike McConnell in yesterday’s SFoodie piece about Mission merchants’ opposition to Blue Bottle’s planned Dolores Park cart operation:

“My concern with Blue Bottle is that they’re going national [Last February, Blue Bottle opened a cafe in Brooklyn]. Two years ago in this neighborhood there was a huge fight to keep American Apparel off Valencia Street, and now this.” McConnell thinks a smaller coffee roaster without a retail presence ― like De La Paz ― might be a better fit.

Thanks to this opposition, Blue Bottle’s plans have been put on hold, pending a community meeting. Read on.

Photo by oolong milktea.


De La Paz Coffee Company: The Only Coffee Outfit in Town Run by a Grown Man

Levi’s, the New American Apparel?

We've Got A Double Colton Situation

A Double Colton

For rilz.


A lovely video of Oakland, by Conrad Tse. Doesn’t it look nice? Or maybe it’s just the fancy lens and soothing piano music. Either way, you’ll all be living there once your parents cut you off, so start getting to know it.

Say That to My Facebook

We’ve got a couple of cute comment threads going on the Mission Mission Facebook wall right now. Check it out if you want a little more context. And I guess watch your back if you run into Trixie at Dolores Park. Colby, see you in 17.

Oldies Night

You’ve never been to Oldies Night at the Knockout? Young people! Drink specials! Oldies! Dancing! It can be a serious shit-show, but it’s a time. And look at this pretty poster art!

The 21st Street Baths Were 'Definitely for the Discriminating Male'

Marginally Yours brings us this titillating scrap of Mission history. What’s he thinking about? What’s he looking at? Does somebody have a box of those shirts collecting dust in a basement somewhere? Where they at?

I assume this place went the way of Valencia Street’s funky, secret bathhouse for women, which, so I’ve heard, was definitely for the discriminating female.

[link via nuitnuageuse]