Will Bay to Breakers Enthusiasts Obey New Bay to Breakers Rules? (NSFW)

No booze, no floats, no non-registered participants. Broke-Ass Stuart will surely lead an insurrection, am I right? SFist has the full story.

Photo by Jitterball.

Mad Priest

Let’s all take a moment this afternoon to admire the art of Madalynn Priester. She doesn’t seem to have anything for sale or anything, but she has a blog, and some stuff for sale here.


We Love Lisa Hanawalt

Bubble Party at Dusk in Dolores Park

Want to see a bunch of people tripping out on giant bubbles at Dolores Park at sunset on Saturday? Check out this set of photos by Hot Pants.

How to Render Your Clipper Card Completely Ineffective

Global X tried this experiment. It didn’t go well:

I waved my Palm Pré close to the RFID reader, even touching it at several angles –it didn’t work. The conductor asked me what I was doing. Rather than get into a technical explanation, I just gave him $2 in cash. EPIC FAIL!

I tried this with a key card once. Worked fine.

Read on if you want.

Dolores Park 20 Years Ago

It’s like, not that different, but completely different. You know what I mean? These pictures that Eric Fischer found someplace make my stomach churn, in a good way.

People hung out at Dolores Park 20 years ago! People took their dogs to Dolores Park 20 years ago! People all drove vintage cars back then! The trees were a little bit smaller back then! I was a little kid back then! Nobody’d quite heard of Nirvana back then!

But the park looks basically the same. And whatever renovations come and go, it’ll probably look basically the same  20 years from now. After we’ve all moved to Portland or New York.

Great find, Eric!

How Would You Describe Guerrero South of 26th Street?

Oh, thanks LZ. Astute analysis.

Although, over the summer I was invited to some kind of hoe-down at a place on Guerrero between 26th and 25th, so there might be a northward creep in effect.

Behold, The Zeitgeist Tamale Burger (NSFV)

The age-old dilemma.  You show up at Zeitgeist famished and order one of their delicious burgers.  You do the time and wait the requisite 10-15 minutes while anxiously downing a beer, your mouth salivating from the aroma emanating from the grill and your ears perking up every time the cook shouts another name across the yard (or wait–I guess they don’t do that anymore?).

Finally, the moment of truth arrives, and just as you sit down back at your table ready to devour that poor defenseless hamburger, your hear that familiar siren song, “Tamales, tamales!”  But damn, you just got a burger!  What to do, what to do?

The Zeigeist Tamale Burger.  That’s what you do.  An unholy alliance of beef, bun, masa, pork, and Tapatio.  Take that KFC Double-Down!

PARKing Day in Pictures

Did you get a chance to spend some time and chill out in one of those temporary parklets this past Friday?  If not, here’s a peek at what you missed at PARKing Day 2010.  [Disclaimer:  NO SAVESIES were used in the commandeering of these parking spots]

As expected, the longtime PARKing veterans in front of Lost Weekend and Ritual Coffee went all out with a 3-meter spot featuring a camping ground complete with a tent on top of real sod and a portable forest of potted plants.  Attention to detail such as the inclusion of a panda clinched a mention as one of the best parklets of the day.

Similarly, the fine folks at SPUR also created a parklet so kickin’ it probably would have qualified for their useful map of POPOS (Privately-Owned Public Open Spaces) had it been a permanent thing.

Despite the fact that not all the parklets were as thoughtfully orchestrated, that didn’t stop people from getting into the spirit of the day.  As this fellow proves, all you really needed was a swatch of AstroTurf and a juvenile tree.


Ribity Makes Virgin Mary-Like Appearance on Sole of Area Man's Running Shoe

See him? See him? Ribity wore his way right through solid rubber!

And get this: The author of Many Machines was going to toss these shoes out, but don’t worry, I pointed out his folly and he promises to “put them under glass and charge admission.” I’d pay $15 to see it in the flesh as long as my ticket comes with a souvenir t-shirt.


Rabbit-Drag Ribity (With Foot-Long Dong)

Ribity Loves Ribity (First Mission Mission post ever!)

Lance Armstrong Is Going on a Bike Ride in San Francisco Monday

It has something to do with rich people getting richer, and it probably won’t go anywhere near Bayshore Blvd. Ice Tubes has the full story.

Photo by Anne Hansen.