Be In A Movie . . . Please

FutureStates series.

Things are all coming together for the shoot, but there is still an open item . . . mine. I’m looking for people who want to be extras, people to populate our city of the future. We’re looking for people to fill out scenes shooting this coming Wednesday afternoon and night and this Saturday afternoon and night. We still need some kids, ages 6-13 for both days, as well as people ages 30-65. Both shoots are in SF. As a background actor you wouldn’t be required to say any lines or anything, but we’re hoping to feature many of the extras on camera and want to have some fun with ad-libbing.

If you or someone you know is interested and can commit to both days, please send me an e-mail at eviloars(at)yahoo(dot)(com) with your contact info as soon as possible and I’ll send you more information.

It will be a lot of fun. Movies are fun!

Bike Pals

Although on the surface this seems like a terrible idea, it’s definitely one way to get to see Elvis Costello at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival today.  It doesn’t seem quite as safe or elegant as our previous “rack & belt-loops” solution, but at least it gets the job done (until you have to stop, that is!).


2 Guys 1 Bike and 2 Bikes 1 Guy

Cop Motocross

“Ok, so we just chased away those pesky skater kids who were grinding this staircase and intimidating all the Conservatory of Flowers folks. . .”

“Should we get a donut?”

“I was thinking we show ‘em how it’s done!  Whoooooooooo!  Okay, your turn!”

“Umm, let’s just go get some cinnamon toast from Trouble instead.”

Mission Make-Out 1999

Time for a Saturday-morning diversion from this weekend’s bluegrass overload. Kamanaka explains why she likes this fan-made video for the Le Tigre classic “Deceptacon”:

It’s cute and the song reminds me of my underage fake ID drunken debauchery days of when I visited my cousin in San Francisco. (YAY WHERE I NOW LIVE!) Bitches would go crazy over this song…and I still do when I hear it when I’m out. Here’s to the old days of “Mission Make-out”. Cheers.


P.S. It also reminds me of checking out Yeah Right! from the San Francisco Public Library over and over in 2004 or so. That movie rules.


Dog Fence

It may be Caturday, but it’s been a dog of a week around the Mission Mission offices. Someone wanted a giant dog and we found one. Dogs played soccer with humans in Dolores Park while others were stuck inside.

The pup seen above is peering out of the mailbox hole in his fence on Capp Street. I dunno what he’s waiting for (the November issue of Dog Fancy?) but he was pretty focused on something coming from the North.

PUPDATE: According to “tony perrie” on Flickr: “Little Marriner looks innocent enough, but when he was allowed to run free, he once bit a defenseless kitty for casting a threatening gaze his way. Don’t be fooled by his act.”

Escalades and Baller Cars

Somebody was saying something about wanting to share a cab up to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass this weekend. Well, here’s a better idea: This company UberCab wants to give Mission Mission readers a $20 credit if they open an account. You can use that $20 toward a ride in a Benz or an Escalade or one of many other “baller cars” at their disposal, and show up to HSB in style.

Watch a demo video here to see how it all works, and if you decide to try it, put “Mission20″ in the promo field for your special credit.

Eroding Consumer (Confidence)

Ominous Walgreens Ad

I don’t know what it is about this Walgreens window ad, but for some reason I don’t really . . . want what they . . . oh, it’s because the parents’ faces are melted off.

Your Parents Could Be This Gross

Maybe they’re advertising those sunglasses from They Live.

Free Samples at Arizmendi Today

Still haven’t decided what to get for lunch yet and happen to be in the Mission area?  Why not stop by the new Arizmendi Bakery on Valencia by 23rd, where the friendly staff is currently dispersing free samples of their delectable pastries and pizza to anyone who happens to be walking by.

Although they’re not really opening until next week or so, the crew was hard at work in the back training to make sure they make it out of the gates as flawlessly as possible.  This is a great opportunity to get taste why we’re so lucky to have this awesome Co-op in our neighborhood!  Favoring the savory over sweet this morning, I opted for one of their signature ‘potatoes on pizza’ focaccia  and was not disappointed.  Give it a shot!

Volleybonk! in Dolores Park Explained in Video

We were first hipped to this phenomenon last year when it was still a mostly guerrila operation, but it looks like they’ve gotten themselves fairly organized by now, as reader Janel shares:

A mix of tennis & volleyball with a yoga ball

They play every Sunday @ 8:30 pm on the tennis courts at Dolores Park (18th and Dolores). They are done when the lights go off @ 10:15. Join the mailing list by emailing at volleybonksf(at) Feel free to bring friends, dogs, drinks and mix cd’s.

And Pauly Shore.

Check out the helpful “promo” video that explains the rules and offers a glimpse into the tactical strategy needed to succeed in this blistering nascent sport.  I can’t see this going the way of SF Bike Polo (forced to relocate to 21st and Shotwell due to the fact that neighbors complained their bicycle tires scuffed up the tennis courts) unless it can be proven that a giant yellow yoga ball (or Pauly Shore) is somehow also bad for tennis.



Bike Polo

Dolores Park Bike Polo Crackdown

Letter Matching

fig. A

I was just wondering, as I walked around the other night, if the sign at Skylark (fig. A) and the letters hanging in the window at Therapy (fig. B) came from the same source.

fig. B

And so, if they did . . . what might the letters have advertised before they were broken up? Hmm? So talk, Mr. Sky.