Better Know Your Bike

This October, Box Dog Bikes is hosting a bunch of bike maintenance classes. Here they are:

Tuesday 7:30pm-9:30pm   October 5th Know Your Bike

Tuesday 7:30pm-9:30pm   October 12th Brakes and Gears

Tuesday 7:30pm-9:30pm    October 19th The Bicycle Wheel

Tuesday 7:30pm-9:30pm  October 26th Bearing Systems

All classes are at Box Dog Bikes; 494 14th Street, in SF.  Call the shop 415-431-9627 to sign up.  Classes cost $35 for one, $65 for two, $90 for three, and all four for $120.

Click here to see more detailed descriptions of each offering.

[PEUGE' PARTY by Honey Jets.]

And You Thought Sit/Lie Was Good

David Enos breaks the news:

Proposed City Ordinances & Bans



Perform Acoustic Green Day Covers/Keep A Puppy In Your Shirt


And a few more. Read on.

[Photo by gregorylggregory.]

Mesmerizing Animated GIF of the Day

I have no idea what’s going on here, but this masterpiece comes from Its Milk, the best photo blog about life in Berlin you will ever encounter.

Update: Oops, I guess some of you might need to click through if you want to see it.

Updated Update: re-animated!

Narwhal Gone Wild (NSFW)

Hayley Cassatt‘s continually impressive narwhal-heavy blog got X-rated over the weekend. Time for a poll!

[polldaddy poll=3870728]


Narwhal Hot Dog

Gnarly New Narwhal

Gender War in Full Effect

These are screen shots from a new music video collaboration between local musician Bobby Joe Ebola and local bike-inspired dance team the Derailleurs. It seems to be some kind of statement about sexism or something. See for yourself.

Tentacle Boy

I stopped at Arizmendi today and got a pretty good vegan blueberry scone, and ate it while looking at this guy. This is not really possible with the 9th Avenue Arizmendi or the Emeryville Arizmendi. I’m very happy there’s an Arizmendi in the Mission now.

Hand-Scrawled Comments on Real-Life Modern San Franciscan Poster Not As Good as Online Comments

Read the online comments, and see the origins of this poster here.

CONTEST: Win Tickets to Guided By Voices Classic Lineup Tour Tomorrow at the Warfield!

Guided By Voices are back for real! And they’re playing tomorrow night at the Warfield! And you can win tickets by leaving a comment below explaining why you deserve the tickets more than anyone else! Bonus points for creativity! Winner will be chosen by Mission Mission editors before 5pm tonight, based on merit, and notified ASAP!

The show is presented by Noise Pop, and features opening act Times New Viking, who I saw at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit this summer. They were awesomely contemporary.

How Was the Arcade Fire Show?

TK was a bit underwhelmed:

I mean, they played great and everybody loved them and everything but I was just sitting there waiting for something to happen and it never did.

Read on for expert analysis of the totally square Greek Theatre crowd, jerks that talk the whole time, and some seriously deep thoughts on the nature of the Arcade Fire.

Photo by Anna Fox.

Tape City

Walked by these guys at Dolores Park the other day and noticed this masterpiece.  The whole thing is constructed from layers and layers of regular masking tape and is a detailer’s dream when viewed up close.  Despite its fragile appearance, it is actually quite sturdy!  Observe:

This sticky metropolis was created by the folks at, although their website only features wearable items rather than taped structures at the moment.  Hopefully this deceptively complex artform will catch on and soon be found on the coffee tables of Twitter executives everywhere.

I mean, mixtapes have enjoyed a resurgence, and duct tape has prospered for ages (although Eats Tapes might not be playing anymore).  Isn’t it time masking tape made a comeback?