Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear

Mystery Device

Cranky Old Mission guy posted a picture of some street artwork on 17th and Mission. What the hell is that thing, anyway?

Hippy Kitchens

You’re not reading Hippy Kitchens on a regular basis? Then you’re missing out on photos like this one and tons more. And I bet some of our parents are in there somewhere, right?

You’re welcome.

Treasure Island Music Festival Mixtape Might Help You Decide Which Day to Go

The nice folks over at The Bay Bridged have put together a couple of mixtapes highlighting artists at this year’s Treasure Island Music Festival, which takes place this coming weekend. They’ve got a mixtape for Saturday (which is the electronic-themed day headlined by LCD Soundsystem) and a mixtape for Sunday (which is the indie-rock-themed day headlined by Belle & Sebastian).

So if you’re still undecided, you might want to give these bad boyz a listen and see if this fest is really worth the price of admission. (Or, at the very least, here’s some nice free music for you.)


CONTEST: Win Treasure Island Music Festival Tickets (Contest is now closed, but the entries are a fun read.)

Flaptop and Mohaw

When I was in 4th grade, it was simply impossible to imagine a haircut more cool than a mohawk or a flat-top. Luckily, Mary’s Beauty Salon on 18th and Mission offers both of them.

Or maybe this is a reference to the 1988 Japan-only Famicom side-scrolling 2d platform title: “Flaptop and Mohaw”, which Super Mario Brothers 3 was pretty much based on (they just changed the sprites). Seriously, look it up.

Mission Political Graffiti Roundup


Permission to overthrow the government!



Sucks to be Jon H. Mcain!



Something we can all agree on: Penis Enlargement Cialis Emails


Was This Event Sponsored by NO on Sit/Lie?

Travis snapped this picture in front of Modern Times and asks the above question.  To which we say, at least this fellow has the courtesy to act consistently with what he is advocating; unlike, say, these law-bending scofflaws.


Banksy Weighs in on Sit-Lie

Making It Better For Queer Youth

This evening at 6:30 at The Women’s Building queer folk and queer allies alike will be gathering in support of LGBTQQI* youth. In the words of the organizers:

6 youth across the country committed suicide in September after facing severe homophobic and transphobic bullying…that we know of…This is nothing new. And death and hatred has reminded us, yet again that we must build towards love and collective empowerment.

Rather than mourn, process, and ask questions in isolation we are asking for community to gather, reflect, share, and heal, but most importantly to take action together.

Queer youth in crisis can’t wait. How can we start making it better now? Please bring your ideas, resources, and most of all, an open mind and heart.

All ages, genders, and orientations welcome!

Their Facebook page is here. If you have any ideas or just want to show your support head over and join the conversation.

The Women’s Building is at 3543 18th Street.

*Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Intersex.


Reader thomass has some thoughts on the matter:

Babes in this city need to get more like New York babes. Babes in New York to guys are the way guys are to guys here, I like that. I know this is a gay city and all but straight girls have gotta get the bear-esque attitude NYC girls have.

I’m not sure what he means, but I like the sounds of it. I think.

Photo by Carina J.


Attention All Babes

B. Hamilton

I saw this band B. Hamilton at Amnesia on Friday, and they blew me away! Frontman Ryan has a voice like a very gruff and masculine angel, and the band — even on an off night, apparently — produces all these beats and rhythms and sounds that make you want to drink and dance and drink and dance and drink and dance!

Pop over to their website and try out this song called “Miss Carolina.” Smells like a hit to me!

P.S. F.Y.I. I brought some babes, as requested.