If you want a pet, but you think they’re not allowed in your building, think again. This week we heard stories from a couple of our neighbors that indicate you might do well to reexamine the conventional wisdom. First, Steve:
Out of the five places I’ve lived with my dog, three were listed as “no pets” or “no dogs”, while two hadn’t thought about it before I applied. In all cases after the first, I provided the prospective new landlord with a sort of rental resume for my dog. It contains pictures (because he’s fucking adorable), documentation of his shots, a recent statement from his vet about his demeanor, and references from previous landlords and neighbors.
Landlords say no in their ads because they don’t want someone to show up with a gigantic man-eating hellhound who does nothing but shit and bark. When you drop the hammer of integrity on them they see that not only is your dog well-behaved, but you’ve got your shit together and are probably a better tenant than 95% of the dipshits in their potential tenant pool. Win.
Next up is TK, who has an even simpler way:
I signed a lease that said “No pets.” I now have a dog and a cat. How’d I do it? I asked the landlord and he said “Sure.” Never hurts to ask.
There you have it. Now go adopt a cutie-pie like Apple Fritter (pictured above).