Hall-of-Fame Near Miss

[via Smashenger] [Thanks, Meli!]


Precocious Parallel Parker

KKKatie BBBusted!

The angry young lady that defaced that Chris Lux mural and a wall near 20th and Valencia was caught in the act during Bay To Breakers this weekend after she allegedly bit a police officer and tried to spray paint a dude.

Katherine “KKKatie” Dunbar now faces a double-whammy of vandalism and hate crime charges. Bummer for all her apparent fans on MM. Count me out of those, though. I only support Brangelina-approved street art.

Full scoop on SFAppeal.


Spurned Scenester Sullies Sightly Street Art

Fuck Quiet! B Loud! Know ur Enemy!

Mission Flags

As part of their neighborhoods issue, Good Magazine hired Volume Inc. to design some neighborhood flags. Here’s what they came up with for the Mission:

Bikes and tacos! Clearly these guys are thinking OUTSIDE OF THE BOX!

Personally, I think they should have consulted us for a flag design consisting of scenes from the Mission Mission top posts of all time. Who wouldn’t want a flag of a lady shitting on her house while a scantly clad woman struts down the street drinking moderately-priced Kombucha and a BART train speeds by in the background (passenger with a visible boner in window)?

Oh, and this flag would never fly from a pole, it would always be presented draped over a life-size marble rendering of Sasha Grey.

See the rest of the series (mostly not-SF) neighborhood flags here.

Thanks Elizabeth S.!

Saigon Sandwich Serving Spring Rolls


At $4 a pack, they’re competitive with LEE’S up the street, but they taste so delicious!  The shrimp is lightly seasoned to subtly augment the flavor while the lettuce, noodles, and rice paper impress with their freshness.  I only tried a package with the peanut sauce (which was fantastic, BTW), so no verdict yet on the delectableness of the fish sauce.

When is someone in the Mission going to get their act together and open a banh mi shop?


Inside the Banh Mi Cart Test Kitchen

Banh Mi by Mai

Snacking on Cushman Banh Mi

Mission Blue Streak

Something is happening in the Un-American Apparel space at 988 Valencia.

Mission Mission agents took this shot at a distance as not to arouse suspicion. Applying CSI style zoom:

Blue Fig? Hmm.

Nothing on Google (though it certainly seems to be a popular restaurant/hooka name in Ohio). Lots of permit activity at 988 Valencia via SFGov that closed on 4/23, but no specifics other than “Retail Sales”.

Blue is certainly becoming a popular prefix for Mission establishments: Blue Plate, Blue Macaw, Blue Fig. And there’s the blue Mission Cycling jerseys:

And the Mission Blue butterfly, which is making a comeback:

However, this is in direct conflict with Mission history, specifically the Mission Reds, who 80 years ago played ball a half dozen blocks away at Rec Park.

Do we require a series of red-themed establishments to keep things in balance? Or are the megaliters of tomato sauce and salsa consumed daily in pizzerias and taquerias mean we need more blue?

Girls and Graffiti

Somebody started a new meme this week: “Girls posing in front of graffiti murals.” It’s big. It’s all over the internet.

Top and top middle by melissaaaaa; bottom middle and bottom by kaylaloud.

Back In My Day, Cat Videos Were Really Something

Every generation acts like they invented hilarious cat videos. Newsflash: cats and videos have been around for decades! To prove this point, next Saturday May 29th, Oddball Films is showing their picks from two years of screenings, including this gem, which would almost certainly result in a lawsuit today:

The Cat Who Drank and Used Too Much (1988) A wacky anti-drug film about the effects of alcohol and drug on the most purrrfect test subject, a cat. That darn cat!

More info after the jump.

P.S. What’s your favorite cat video? I’ve seen ‘em all, and I keep going back to this one.


Walklet Needs Your Help!

See all those empty planter boxes? The Walklet crew will be filling them with plants this afternoon, but they need some volunteers to help out. This is an historic thing folks; help make history! 1:30-4ish, 22nd Street between Mission and Valencia.

Photo by jeremyashaw.


Gutter Lego

Another Glimpse Inside The Armory… From Margaret Cho?!

Well, time to chalk up another celeb hanging in the Mission. This time, at the Armory.

I was listening to WTF with Mark Maron this morning (which by the way, is an amazing podcast. It’s like a series of psychotherapy sessions for all my favorite aging stand-up comics) and I was surprised to find out that Margaret Cho is pretty freaky. So freaky, in fact, that she has been known to visit the Armory for some bizarre late-night… well just read on:

Margaret Cho: Then I got into these group sex situations which were really bizarre.
Mark Maron: Woah really?
MC: Yeah with porn stars. Like I would go to the Armory in San Francisco which is a big porn studio… The biggest studio they have is called kink.com… it’s a giant building. It’s like a 163 year-old building that’s a historical landmark.
MM: Was it originally built for fucking?
MC: No, it was built to house the troops.
MM: Oh it’s an armory. It’s a real armory.
MC: It’s a real armory. And so they have like… makeshift hotels for porn stars that stay. And so you can stay there. And they–I never got this done–but one of the things they do is, they call it a “midnight takedown,” where you go to bed and you go to sleep and they watch you fall asleep and then they come and they fuck you. Like 17 people.
MM: And they film it?
MC: Yeah they film it. But I didn’t get to do that because I locked my door.

Check out the rest of this fascinating episode here and I guess we’re a celebrity gossip blog now. Stay tuned for our acquirement by Perez Hilton LLC.

(photo by davidyuweb)


Molly Ringwald Sighting at Delfina
Jane Lynch Sighting at Delfina

NY Pigeons Much More Dignified Than SF Pigeons

Look at that pigeon!  It’s learned to eat at the dinner table like a civilized person!  Over here they just eat from the gutter, or resort to (gasp!) cannibalism.

What other good manners can our pigeon population learn from their East Coast brethren?

[Sexy P. has the scoop]


Bar Feeding Pigeons

Mission Street Food

Goose-Stepping Pigeons

Pigeon Tragedy

The Final Taboo Broken at Mission and Van Ness

Pigeons Ate a Horse Down to the Bone on 24th

Pigeons Discover Street Food