B³ Brings Burgers and Wine Till 2am

I happened to walk by this place while the friendly new proprieters were repainting the interior (the yellow brick road motif will not survive the transition) and beckoning passerby to stop inside and sample the sausage.  The habañero kielbasa was quite a treat, but the real intrigue lies with the brown sugar bourbon bacon.

Hence the working title for B-cubed, the new burger and wine bar set to take over the allegedly cursed former Senses location on Valencia by 22nd in about 10 days.  Seeking to be known as “the winemaker’s speakeasy,” the idea is to offer hard-to-find ridiculously good quality vintages at prices that people can afford regularly.  You can get it by the taste, glass, bottle, or case!

If they keep finding stuff like the Beaucanon Napa Cab Sav, with its black tea and tobacco musk, or the intoxicating Hesperian Cab Franc that I sipped, there’s a great chance that the curse will be lifted and this spot will become an habitual neighborhood hangout (especially since they’ll be open until 2am).

Now all we need is Zaytoon to complete its 2 year metamorphosis and along with Lucca’s, El Majahual, and Beretta, this will be a power bloc once again!

Music Flea Market This Saturday

Zambaleta started doing these Music Flea Market events last summer and I’m stoked that they are back for the new season. The next one is this Saturday, June 5th at 19th and Florida from 12-5pm

It’s basically a Mission street sale except the items for sale are mostly musical instruments (if you’re a musician, this is the main reason you go to flea markets anyway). In addition, there are other music related items for sale including records and home audio equipment.

Feel free to bring some stuff down to sell on the provided tables or leave items with the coordinators to sell on consignment for the day, for a small percentage. There will be live music and food.

[photo by prawnpie]

Psychedelic Buffalo Bomber

Hi-Fructose has a big photo essay up about how a gang of pixelated alien beings (possibly led by artist Jesse Hazelip) applied this work of art to this wall in Berkeley. Read all about it.

[via Many Machines]


Buff Rebuffed

Buffalo/B-17 Mashup

Chainsaw Skills

Dude On The Street
I was walking home after a long day at work this evening and I was thinking about stopping at a local tavern and drawing a bit, and while thinking about what to draw, this dude came up to talk to me. I wasn’t in the mood to inquire further, but now I wish I had. In any case, he inspired me to draw.

On South Van Ness near 20th Street.

“Hey, sorry to bother you, but I just gotta let you know, my friend Sheng isn’t really my friend. And I’m gonna have to start calling him Chainsaw Skills ’cause it’s gonna get really embarrassing.”

To see it bigger.

Dead Body at 24th and Mission

Encountered this scene while on the way to El Farolito for an Al Pastor Super, attempting to shake the awful memory of Canadian burritos from my mind.  Needless to say I lost my appetite as soon as I realized what was underneath the yellow tarp.

This guy standing here on the right was allowed to remain inside the yellow tape, calmly smoking a cigarette while waiting for officers to question him (as a witness, not a suspect).

The victim was reportedly an “older guy” whose death was not immediately attributable to violence (I had heard what sounded like a gunshot moments earlier, so I initially assumed the that to be the cause), which leads me to believe that he may be a member of our populous homeless community.

Police had not yet determined cause of death and were waiting for the coroner to arrive.  A number of onlookers had gathered across the street to watch, the mood somber and surreal.

RIP Mission Guy.

I Think There's More Than One of Them . . .

Taken from what looks to be Guerrero St. 

[Photo and Title by Fred Mc]

Futuristic Parking Sensors on 18th St?

Diligent reader mo kaze noticed that “they” glued in blue discs on 18th Street and thoughtfully snapped a pic for our consideration.  I am assuming that “they” refers to DPW officials and not aliens disguised as public officials detectable only by XRAY specs.

What do you think, readers?  Futuristic parking sensors or viral marketing campaign for the new TRON movie?  If the former, no word yet on whether or not they register pedestrians standing in parking spots and holding them for their friends’ vehicles.


Looks like the future is here!  SFpark has the scoop . . .


Okay for Pedestrians to Occupy and Hold Parking Spots?

Mission Burritos Hit Canada

While up in Vancouver, BC this past weekend to play a show with some rad Canadian punk bands, we came across TACO DEL MAR, alleged purveyors of the elusive Mission-style burrito.  Unfortunately, we were unable to sample said Mission-style burrito due to the fact that the “taqueria” closes at 11pm on a Saturday!

If they can’t even get authentic operational hours right, I shudder to imagine what sort of blasphemy they might be trying to pass off as a burrito.  The fact that their mascot appears to be a chili pepper with a dirty sanchez wearing a sombrero does little to comfort me either.


Australian Mission Burritos Revealed!

Guten Tag! Mission Burritos in Berlin!

 The Best Way to Transport a Mission Burrito to Somewhere as Far Away as Berlin

Bobby Flay Can Eat A Big Fat Burrito

Switzerland Fun

Whoa! Two San Francisco artists we love love love are included in some kind of exhibition of drawings at some gallery in Zürich!

First there’s Maria Forde, whom you’ll remember from those rad t-shirts she does for Lost Weekend Video.

Then there’s Porous Walker, whom you’ll remember from THE MAVERICKS OF DIARRHEA.

The show is called “Home Party,” and it’s at Barbara Seiler Galerie through July 17. Stop by if you’re in the neighborhood!

People and Their Keys

Last week I wrote a mean-spirited post about wearing your keys on the outside of your pants.

The silver lining was that it made local artist Anna recall a book she made a while back. The next day, she posted some scans.

P.S. Anna, you should turn this into a blog. It’ll be huge!