La Gaîté at Revolution Cafe Tomorrow

Fact: hot women who play music are, um, really hot. Bonus points if they aren’t just strumming on a folk guitar singing about boys the’ve broken up with. Give me a cello, accordion, and mandolin over that any time.

La Gaîté is on tour from Amsterdam and they will be playing at Revolution Cafe tomorrow night (Saturday, June 5) starting at 9pm. This is somehow appropriate since all the stoners who hang out on the patio of the Rev make it the closest thing to Amsterdam that we’ve got.

Check out this video of them demonstrating their musicianship to great effect (while wearing French maid outfits):

If you miss ‘em, you can also catch them at Armando’s Sunday night, but that would require going to Martinez, and I’m not entirely sure I know where that is. They will also be playing the big gypsy jazz fest in Mill Valley next week.

Indie Mart Returns This Sunday at Thee Parkside

Fresh off its lengthy winter hibernation, Indie Mart is finally back!  I can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday:  leisurely strolling along a closed-off city block while sipping a bloody mary (on par with Zeitgeist’s) and scoping the latest offerings from local fashion designers.  The fact that the weather is supposed to be hovering around the 80s seals the deal.

Indie Mart has evolved since its humble beginnings into an all-day block party extravaganza, and this Sunday’s 3 year anniversary promises to be the biggest yet.  Over 100 designers will be strutting their stuff, and it’s not just clothes–you can find art, crafts (I scored an awesome wallet a year or two ago that I still use today), baked treats for the foodies, puppies for adoption, and even terrarium construction!  PBR is helping to sponsor the event, so be on the lookout for all sorts of rapaciously evil corporate giveaways as well.

Dress stylishly enough and you could even wind up on!  Or, dress metal enough and receive patches and goodies from the roving metal girls on hand from Heavy Metal AerobicsOr, just hang out and watch some of the cool bands that are performing like Music for Animals and Jonesin’

The fun happens this Sunday from 12-6pm at Thee Parkside and thee adjacent Wisconsin (between 16th and 17th St).  See you there!

[Photo by Owen Geronimo]

Cyclist Down at Fremont and Market

The misty weather made for quite a harrowing ride down Market Street this morning, as I saw this poor fellow go down just ahead of me as he was crossing those pesky Muni tracks.  He hit his head pretty hard on the concrete and started bleeding profusely out of a deep gash in his temple.

A number of cyclists dismounted to help the guy, who was shaken up pretty badly and sitting on the ground in a dazed state.  Some pedestrians also left the safety of the sidewalk to assist (I stood around and took photos like a jackass), a comforting scene that put the usual cyclist-pedestrian animosity on hold for the moment.  A driver even pulled up behind and got out of her car to try and help (the opposite of  going on a hit-and-run bicycle smashing rampage).

We implored him to stay down and wait for paramedics, but this was one stubbornly tough dude, and he eventually stumbled over to the curb under his own volition.  We all hung out with him until the ambulance arrived and took over.

All in all, an unlucky spill for this cyclist but an inspiring reaction from a group of strangers all accustomed to their own modes of transportation, be it walking, riding, driving, or cycling.  Be careful when it’s wet out there everybody!


Muni-Cyclist “Collision” at 5th and Market St.

Creep In An SUV Targeted 4 Cyclists Last Night

What More Do You Want, Bro?

Brainslip this week invited some bros to provide a rundown of the Mission. Here’s what they had to say about Medjool:

Dude, sit down for this one. It’s a fucking rooftop bar with kick ass views of downtown. What more do you want, bro?

Read on.


No Bro

Shoelace Trick

Everyday Photos has the scoop. Now all they need is a homemade Nike Beer Cozy.

Broken Berry

The art of cellphone photography has just been taken to the next level. My Broken Berry is nothing but photos from somebody’s busted BlackBerry, and each one is trippier and more distorted than the last. Pretty colors, mangled scenes, incredibly low resolution… what more could a cellphone photography fan ask for?

All Your Old Faves at Mission Street Food's FINAL NIGHT

Since news of the forthcoming Commonwealth and changes at Mission Burger broke, the question loomed: Will MSF continue to exist?

The answer is: Probably, but not until after an indefinite hiatus. Mission Street Food as we know it is closing up shop after Saturday’s performance. They are, however, going out with a bang. Chef Anthony bids us adieu:

I speak on behalf of the entire staff when I say it’s been a pleasure serving you and getting to know you. Thanks for your enthusiasm, patience and support. We intend to eventually start MSF up again in some capacity and hope to see you again then, but for now, come by for one last PB & J or MSF Rice, or come try your first Chinito or Squid & Marrow – the new classics.

Read on for the full menu and more from Anthony.

Photos by Jesse Friedman.

Puppies in Purses at Kilowatt


The battle of 16th is on . . .

Porsches Pulled Over at Delerium


They had it coming . . .

Creep In An SUV Targeted 4 Cyclists Last Night

In case you haven’t heard, some scumbag in an SUV went nuts last night and tried to mow down 4 cyclists in the Mission and Potrero Hill areas. Three of the victims were hospitalized with (thankfully) non-life threatening injuries.

The perp still at large and has been officially condemned by Gavin Newsom:

“I’m proud that San Francisco is one of the bike-friendliest cities in the nation and we work hard to keep our City safe for cyclists and pedestrians every day,” said Mayor Newsom, in a written statement. “Cars and bikes share the road and must coexist. We will not tolerate violence or rage against cyclists or pedestrians.”

The suspect was driving a blue Nissan Rogue, which he crashed into a light post after the rampage. He escaped on foot. If you have any information regarding this asshole, call the anonymous tipline at 415-575-4444 and be careful out there.

[via SFAppeal, SFistphoto by Troy Holden]