It's Time To Pick A Side

In The Middle
Just kidding. It’s not about choosing sides. Right?

It’s time to vote. Matt Baume at SF Appeal has laid out the ayes and noes with some colorful graphs in a very helpful way, divided between the props and the candidates.

Look up your polling place and get a sample ballot at SFGov.

The San Francisco League are Young and Pissed Off and after the ballots are in you can join them at El Rio from 8:01pm-12:00am.

Anyway, go out there and do it, it’s fun and I always wear a tie on election days for some reason.

New Parking Signs Going Up On 18th & Valencia

Just spotted ‘em. This city acts fast!


“There Are No Savesies”

Alternative To Stealing WiFi

Hey, sooner or later your neighbor with the unsecured Netgear is going to wise up and throw a password on that sucker. What will you do once that happens?

I was browsing SF ISPs since Comcast is getting hella expensive and stumbled across MonkeyBrains, based right in the Mission. They seem like a laid back bunch. One interesting thing on their site is their FREE wireless offer:

RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS in the Mission: We are starting a pilot program in the Mission District of San Francisco where wireless is FREE through the end of 2010 — all you pay for is the setup of an antenna on your rooftop. Speeds are 10Mbps to 20Mbps up and down. Fill out the Sign Up form and we’ll contact you to see if your house is eligible for this pilot program (it requires line of site to our antenna).

Sounds like an awesome idea, but you might not have a lot of luck convincing your landlord to install an antenna on the roof. Has anyone with a qualifying location taken these guys up on this offer?

Sunday Streets, Mission Edition, June 20

Just posted: the route map for the (first of two) Mission Sunday Streets on June 20th. Biggest difference — this year, Harrison gets carless, and it runs to 3pm instead of 2pm.

Not yet on their web site, but some details on Facebook.

As a reminder, here’s 24th St last year:

Don’t forget to move your cars this time around, OK?

Cool Bunny


Cool Pup

Bunny Pup

Mission Peak

Beth Spotswood over at Eye on Blogs points us toward Doug McCune’s series of maps of SF crime statistics visualized using elevation. There are maps for all kinds of different crimes, but the Mission is at the very least always pretty hilly. Read on.

Oh, that peak there? Prostitution, of course.

[via SFist]

UPDATE: Uptown Almanac was the first SF media outlet to link to McCune’s blog today.

UPDATE: SF Citizen linked to McCune’s blog yesterday.

Pensive Garage Door

A relative of both Nonplussed Lunchbox and Troy Holden’s urban quilts?

Photo by Keoki Seu.

Niek Sweatshirt

You Might Find Yourself spotted this ingenuine article in Chinatown over the weekend, and had this to say:

Must kop.

Ditto. [link]


Nike Is Buying Public Parks

Nike Beer Cozy

Adobe Books NOT in Peril

So wrote reader Adam G. on Saturday night:

Went to Adobe tonight. Confirmed that they are NOT closing. A couple of art projects that features tag lines like “Everything must go!” and whatnot must have led to the rumor.

Darn art! Always making you think and shit.

Photo by SFist.

"There Are No Savesies"

Revisiting our prior debate over whether it is acceptable for pedestrians to stand in and occupy parking spots in order to hold them for their friends, MM reader Jeremy shares the following story:

Some dirt bag motherfucker used his vehicle to battered me out of the parking spot I was holding for me wife, who was 1 block away.

After asking if he saw me, He said yes, and sneered, “there are no savesies.”

I asked him not to leave, as he had just hit me with his car, and I wanted to call the police.  He threw down a business card on the hood of his car and told me to “do whatever the fuck you want, because I’m going home.” and walked away from his car, presumably towards home.

So I called the cops.  A hour and a half later, duchebag who used his vehicle as a battering ram was handcuffed in the back of a black and white, not for hit and run(accidental accident that he walked away from), but Felony vehicular assault (He new I was there and purposely hit me with his car).  Fuck anybody who wants to use their cars as weapons, either against pedestrians, or bicyclists

FYI, Dirtbag never even asked me to get out of the way. He just rammed into to me with the back of his car and pushed me out of the way. I would have probably given up the spot to him had he asked (I spend enough time looking for parking after work to be sympathetic to someone coming home after work).  But ramming people with your car?  Go to jail, asshole.

[Photo by Dan of Future's Past]


Okay for Pedestrians to Occupy and Hold Parking Spots?