Not Photoshopped

Over at Wooster Collective, artist Rachel Granofsky explains how she achieved the effect in this photo — and a bunch more in the series — without the aid of Photoshop. See the rest.

RIP Muni Fast Pass

That’s right, folks. Come October, the Muni Fast Pass will be no more. Replaced by some kind of Translink-related thing. SFist has the whole story. We have, by way of early memorial, a bunch more rad antique fast passes:


Cool Mom

[via vic womg]


Beerdolero Contest


Down Moms

Your New Heart

Afraid and Shy, I Let My Chance Go By, A Chance That You Might Have Loved Me Too
(photo by Thomas Hawk)

You’ve seen those huge hearts all over the city. You have your own feelings about them. I don’t know what those feelings are. But here’s the thing: from now until August 25th the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation is accepting artist submissions for new hearts. So go design your own!

You can do something that tests the limits, like David Lynch did, you can do something plain like Tony Bennett’s face eating the Golden Gate Bridge, or you can do whatever the heck you want.

Get entry forms at the Heroes & Hearts 2011 website.

Valencia Doing Work

I accidentally turned left onto Valencia from 15th Street this afternoon, and it was like I was teleported into the post-apocalypse version.  What could have caused all this havoc to take place?  Luckily, intrepid MM “videographers” provide a peek below into the process behind the repaving of Valencia for the Streetscape Improvement Project:

  1. Humongous cement buster pneumatic drill to loosen up the pavement
  2. Group of foremen standing around chit-chatting
  3. Scoop shovel breaks up the street concrete into chunks, which are then scooped into an adjacent disposal truck for removal
  4. Cement crew gets busy and springs to action, with more cement trucks mixing in reserve


Coming Soon: Valencia Streetscape Improvements

Getting A Feel For The New Valencia

Ramon & Jessica On Chasing The Moon

Chasing the Moon continues doing their wonderful work with their latest podcast featuring Ramon & Jessica, a lovely duo featuring members whose names are neither Ramon nor Jessica.

I think the interview at the end sums it up really well: they write really unusual music that is musically complex but manages to have an undeniable pop familiarity. I really love the A Capella + beatbox tune they do as the second track. Accordion babe Marie Abe joins them on the 3rd song.

Also, check out their video shot in the Mission last year:

Cyclist-Hitting Psycho Turns Out To Be Hippie Jock From Albany

You know that asshole who tried to kill four cyclists last week? Well they nabbed him after he tried to file a false police report that his vehicle had been stolen. So what’s the profile for a murderous bicycle hater?

In addition to being a tennis pro, Clark boasted on a Web site that he was a crystal therapist, a “Reiki master,” referring to a natural healing technique, and a “priest in the Order of Melchizedek.” The order is described on one Web site of believers as “composed of evolved beings who have dedicated themselves to the work of promoting spiritual growth.”

Get the full scoop at SFGate.

[Thanks for the tip, Void. Photo by Troy Holden]


Creep In An SUV Targeted 4 Cyclists Last Night

Party Like It's 2010: Prince Birthday Tribute TONIGHT

Celebrate the birthday of your favorite eccentric, Jehova’s witnessing, conspiracy theorizing, pop musical genius with the Jazz Mafia. Tonight will be their 4th annual Prince birthday tribute at Coda Lounge, featuring the 20-piece hip hop jazz orchestra Realistic Orchestra.

It’s definitely going to be crowded so I highly recommend you get there early (and stay away from those chemtrails).

[photo by thebaytaper]

Nugs for Jimi

Just had to stop by the Jimi Hendrix shrine in Renton, WA, on the way to our show with Citay in Olympia.  Judging by the mementos left behind, it appeared that a number of folks had similarly visited to pay their respects.  American flags, beads, flowers of all shapes and colors, Taz (!!!), and . . . what’s this?

I can’t decide who’s the sadder hypothetical person.  The one who was all, “Dude, we have to leave a nug for Jimi!” or his buddy who probably responded with, “Duuuuude, you can’t just leave one nug for Jimi!”

I guess I’ll have to go with C, the inevitable stoner who eventually would stumble onto this scene and think to himself, “Jimi won’t miss these nugs.”

PS.  DO NOT fuck with the Renton PD

New Sirron Norris Mural Conflict

Levels of Stories
(file photo)
Sirron Norris has been working on a new mural on the side of Revolution Cafe. The artist who’s whose piece (seen on the wall above) had been replaced has thrown his objections up in street art form. Mission Local has the story. Luckily Sirron sounds like he’s interested in having a discussion with the previous artist, rather than reacting with the same kind of aggression.