Mission Community Block Party This Saturday

Mission Community Block Party takes place this Saturday, June 19th 11am-3pm in front of Revolution Cafe on 22nd and Bartlett. There should be lots of food, live music, and dance performances. Full details here.

Also, after Sirron Norris and CUBA made nice last week regarding the mural on that corner, it looks like they will be inviting YOU to take part of their new mural collaboration! Please try to resist the urge to hide a bunch of dongs in there.

Come paint a piece of our new community mural! Anyone and everyone can come paint their part of a mural! A blank canvas for you to paint your piece of the Mission! Artists Sirron Norris and CUBA will return afterward to tie it together into a unified mural. All are welcome to contribute their part of a mission mural! On the side of Revolution Cafe.

[Thanks for the heads up, J-Lub]

A Few Changes At Zeitgeist

Zeitgeist Scene

If you go to Zeitgeist right now the front door is blocked off and the new entrance is on the Valencia side of the patio. According to the doorman they had to make some upgrades or repairs which cast light on a few other code violations and now the whole place is getting a facelift. It seems the biggest changes are the removal of the porta potties with the addition of actual bathrooms over in the far (Southeast) corner of the outdoor area, and that the bar will now be open to the outside, so you can order from the deck under the overhang. I wasn’t sure if the original entrance would be restored or if we’ll be strolling directly onto the patio from the street for good.

It sounds like the overall flow of the space will be different, but that it won’t have much effect on the atmosphere that we all love to hate. People will still come by looking to have a nice chat with the bartender while they mix up their Harvey Wallbanger and end up running home in a tizzy to get on Yelp and write about wishing there was a way to give a bar no stars. Which is exactly, I assume, how we all want it.

Anyway, here’s a bonus bar doodle:


Fresh Prince of Dive Bar Bathrooms

This Fresh Prince character has been making the rounds lately. Does it effectively play on your time-spanning love of the classic Will Smith sitcom? Or does it bum you out?

Photo by steveevets.

Potato Cat Doesn't Want You Anywhere Near His Potatoes

Don’t tell the Health Department. I’m sure the feces and dander and everything burn off right quick when you drop your taters in the fryer.

Photo by riceandwheat.

BP Executives Spotted At Ritual

MM reader Jesse W. saw them playing this board game at the common table this afternoon.

By the way, did anyone else catch internal emails that were released revealing how BP purposely neglected to install recommended safety devices (centralizers and stop collars) because it would have taken 12 extra hours and they were already losing money by the day since the project was so delayed.

One BP official, upon realizing the error, wrote to his colleagues “But, who cares, it’s done, end of story, will probably be fine.“  So classy.

Frown Town: Made of Mission

Steve and Andy send us word of their upcoming internet series Frown Town:

For over a year now we’ve been hard at work on a intricately crafted magical internet puppet show about wayward kids kicking it in a vacant lot.  It’s got spiteful stillborns, pyromaniacal gingers, spastic sugar addicts and we made it right here in the Mission.  In our garage, as a mater of fact.  After a year of work the scripts are writ, the puppets are stitched, and the sets are coming up, but we’re a high def video camera away from being able to set the show in motion.

Their last blog post details how all the materials and inspirations for their puppets come from the Mission, from scrounging foam from the discarded furniture lining our streets, accessorizing at One $ Store, and swiping the latest fashions from folks in Dolores Park. The puppets look great so far!

They are still getting off the ground, so if you want to help out in a way other than leaving your scabies-infested couch on the street, you can donate at their kickstarter page.

Girl Parts Vader

Sure, but who does the voice for this version of Vader? James Earl Jones just doesn’t seem right anymore.

Photo by cellybrain.


Little Vader

Saturday: The Best Day To Avoid Dolores Park This Summer

There will be a Grease Sing-a-Long this Saturday at Dolores Park.

You might want to just check out some garage sales that day.

[via SFist, SFGate]

Who Tagged This Post?

Children? Actual children? Or is this some kind of statement designed to make us think? I don’t get it!

Photo by Penelope Popsicle.

Free Summer Music

My First Earthquake are giving away their new EP for free, and the first lines of the first song seem to be about going to Dolores Park! Can’t wait to hear the rest! Download it now.