Never Enough Neck

Wait, is this some kind of viral marketing for Eclipse?

Photo by Don French.


Making Out With Lipless Skeleton Face

Why You Just Can't Bring Yourself to Eat at Ti Couz

Cultural commentator generic explained in a post last night:

It’s 50 yards away from me, and by all accounts the food is great. But the name creeps me out.

Because it reminds him of “cooze.” And then in reply to a reply:

I can’t think of white trash porn while I’m eating a crepe. Deal. Breaker.

To this I say, how about a salad? Ti Couz’s big bowls of salad are maybe even more delightful than the crepes. And healthier!

Photo by melastmohican.


Cooze-Mouth Darth Vader

Theater That Isn't Polished and Perfect: 20 Years of the Marsh

Our pal Emily Wilson is pumped about this weekend:

Twenty years ago Stephanie Weisman started a place for solo performance, The Marsh. From the Hotel Utah, it moved to Morty’s in North Beach, and then to Valencia Street, where it’s been ever since.

To celebrate the anniversary, the Marsh is having a marathon Saturday, June 19 from noon to midnight, featuring about 40 past and present performers, including heavy hitters such as Dan Hoyle, Charlie Varon and Marga Gomez.

After the jump, Emily talks to Weisman and others about the theater’s legacy and the nature of solo performance . . .

Photo by Steve Rhodes.


'Whoever Stole The Goddamned Microphone, Shame On Yo' Ass'

This was the unfortunate scene at Nap’s III last Friday night. They eventually moved on, but it turned out some drunk chick ran off with the mic to the back patio and returned it just in time for her song. I guess she didn’t like duets.

When I raise enough money to start the next franchise (Nap’s IV) I’ll probably stick to non-wireless microphones.

Synchronized Hand Standing

What a feat! And such cute matching outfits!

However, these guys are not quite as in synch as those goose-stepping pigeons.

Photo by Luba♠Roniss.

Murals of Vancouver Are Pretty Rad

Just saying.  Here’s one that pays proper homage to the city’s Asian heritage.  And crows, one of the smartest birds around [citation needed] and obvious heir of Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Look how majestic they perch!  Vancouver has the crows to thank for the city’s lack of pigeon epidemic.  Also:

They take their Commie shit very seriously

An epic standoff of purple proportions

I think this is the crow lady when she was younger

Bonus:  Urban farm!  With people working on it in the rain.  Vancouver is hardcore.

We’ve got plenty of murals in San Francisco.  We need more farms.  Case closed.

Terror at the Ferry Building

The Tenderloin Geographic Society has the scoop. The horror!

Muni Drivers

Apparently people that ride buses into the Financial District are less friendly than people that ride buses elsewhere. See how stuff like that affects your Muni driver’s day in this new movie by Sara Biegelsen.

Juggalos To Mission Scientists: 'Y'all Lying And Getting Me Pissed'

I was wondering what came of Science For Juggalos and was surprised to find out it was broken up by Insane Clown Posse themselves! I can’t decide whether or not this means it was a complete failure or resounding success.

Big Violent J himself fills us in:

In case you haven’t been up on your memes, ICP put out a video recently about all the magic up in this bitch. You know, like fuckin’ butterflies, lava, giraffes, and UFOs:

In response, the Mission’s own Noisebridge decided to host a science fair for the Juggalos to help explain how fuckin’ magnets work among other things. It took place in front of the Warfield on June 5th where the band was scheduled to play.

There are more details of what went down from Aaron Muszalski on his twitter.

[photo by y3dua]

Epic Mom Jeans and Unique Front Teeth

From Missed Connections:

Sidewalk Sale Sunshine, epic mom jeans, blue blouse, amazing smile – m4w – 29 (mission district)

I was talking with our friend Rory at his sidewalk sale on 20th and Valencia, and you came to buy a pillowcase.
You had long reddish hair, super high cut jeans, a tucked in blue blouse, and amazing unique front teeth in the best smile ever.
I was wearing a blue hat of some kind, cut-off jeans and green socks.

After you walked away I started feeling really groovy, I immediately realized that this is because YOU are magic.
Now please use your powers to find this~ because more magic like that could maybe save the universe.

Okay, we can all picture “epic mom jeans,” but for the love of epic mom jeans, will someone please explain “unique front teeth”???

[link] [Thanks, TD!]

Graphic by Roxanne the Dainty Librarian.