Wet Pain

Wet Pain
It’s an old joke, but here it is.

Box Dog Bikes Is Hiring!

Worker-owned collectives are rad places to work, right? Well now’s your chance.

This Is Not a Ross Ad

Queena over at the B. Citizen just hipped us to her in-depth profile of Abraham Linkin, that freshly attired duo we all saw rapping in the park last week. In it, their manager or something visual mastermind delivers some real talk:

Abraham Linkin is anti-bling and anti-gangsta. Not hard and thug, just dudes like you or me. It’s art for and from real people.

Read on for more mission statement, and the official video for “I Got it at Ross.”

Thanks, Queena!

Wish Upon a Tree

Reader James P. recommends checking out the Wishing Tree on 24th Street near Bartlett:

I just read a bunch of the wishes and it’s a lovely thing; a brief respite from the nightmare of spilling oil and dying sea creatures

But B.P. said they’re sorry!

Other Stuff To Do Saturday

Saturday is going to be such an awesome day. It’s too bad I’ll be out of town in that other liberal coastal city that is often compared favorably to San Francisco.

In addition to the Mission Community Block Party at 22nd and Bartlett, be sure to check out these things around the corner:

Market SF Inaugural Event

This is going to be a new weekly market featuring local designers and artists. Food and drink specials. This takes place noon to 6pm at The Blue Macaw, 2565 Mission Street, San Francisco. Check out their site for more info.

Big-Ass Church Rummage Sale. You Know, For Jesus

On SATURDAY JUNE 19, come visit to one of San Francisco’s largest annual pre-owned jewelry sales. Hundreds of families have contributed to this annual One Day Sale in the heart of the Mission District. There will be thousands of good items from furniture to clothes, toys, electronics, books, jewelry, antiques, collectibles, and MUCH more. Come early for great deals – the best items go fast! Sale is from 8:00am to 5:00pm at 1325 Valencia St (Bethel Christian Church).

[photo by yvan h]

This Amendment Would Potentially Allow Any Event Permit to Be Appealed by Any Member of the Public

In an email circulated this morning by Dana Ketchum of the SF Recreation & Parks Department, it is revealed that the Board of Supervisors will hear a proposal tomorrow that would allow ANY member of the public to appeal ANY event permit at ANY time.

This means that if one group was planning to screen, say, The Royal Tenenbaums one night in the park, another group could tie them up in appeals for weeks or months just because they think Wes Anderson sucks.

This reeks of improbability, like it could never possibly be approved, because the Parks Department itself would be forever tied up in appeals, like they’d have to hire an army of appeals processors to keep up with demand. Still, Ketchum’s email expresses urgency and concern, so maybe there’s a chance this thing actually goes through.

Read Ketchum’s email in full after the jump:


17th & Valencia Art Wall

For future generations to enjoy, Mr. Eric Sir has posted a comprehensive look at the “art wall” that has developed on the abandoned storefront on 17th and Valencia.

Bluesix Shut Down By The Man

SERIOUS BUMMER NEWS. One of my favorite underground acoustic music venues, Bluesix, is shutting down. The owner Joe Lewis is working with the inspector to finish out June concerts.

I had a lot of good times and amazing musical moments at Bluesix and I’m really sad to see it go. It was one of the few places where you could set up a show without jumping through a bunch of hoops with unresponsive promoters, lame restrictions, unfair door arrangements, and unappreciative clientele. The proximity to my favorite psychedelic taco joint didn’t hurt either.

Joe is looking to turn over the lease on 24th and Treat to someone in the community, so if you know someone a like-minded individual who is interested please drop him a line, otherwise it will probably become a lame bail-bond place.

A Good Way to Provoke a Response in the Mission Today

MM reader Andy B. has been ready all morning to watch to much-anticipated match between Mexico and France that starts RIGHT NOW:

It was pretty damn hilarious biking down Mission Street this morning, documenting my friend’s rather bold display of patriotisme prior to the Mexico/France World Cup match.  We saw lots of smiles and heard lots of honks and shouts of ¡Viva Mexico! 
The angriest remarks were from the Irish.

Amazing!  Not only are you giving the proverbial middle finger to our neighborhood’s robust Latino community, but you’re also delving deep into history to insult the ancestral Irish population as well!  Bonus points!

In case anyone is confused as to why the Irish would have big problems with this, here’s why (complete with harpsichord).

More photos of buffoonary after the jump . . .


Breaking: Manglomerate EDW Lynch Leaving the SF Romantic Market

Breaking news from EDW Lynch himself:

Dear Sir:

Because you serve the vital purpose of informing the Mission public about important matters, we would be remiss if we failed to inform you that EDW Lynch is leaving the San Francisco Romantic Market effective 8:00pm yesterday. Sorry ladies.

EDW Lynch is a Mission-based man-corporate hybrid (corporate manglomerate) that has begun holding press conferences at the Amnesia Open Mic on Tuesdays.

With best regards,

EDW Lynch
Chairman and CEO
EDW Lynch, CM


cc: Legal, Partner Management

This is hot on the heels of the LJBF (Let’s Just Be Friends) incident several weeks ago:

No word on what happened to his previous English accent.