Scooter Hero

I was in a scooter gang in high school. Me and my buddy Morgan fixed up these old scooters from childhood, spray painted “Zero-X” on the backs of some surplus army fatigues, and rode around looking as tough as we could, sliding rails and hopping gaps at various neighborhood parking lots. We were badass.

One day, doing a routine rail slide on my way home from school, a bolt caught on a crack in the curb and I went over the handlebars, face first. I went home with a gash in my face, and one of my front tooths was gray for like a year. I scooted a couple more times after that, but couldn’t really bring the gusto. Zero-X was done.

It’s good to see those old scooters making a comeback. But be careful out there, kids.

A Living Room on San Jose Ave

Sometimes you just need a place where you can put your feet up.

[San Jose at 23rd]


Moto-Siesta at the Palace

Another Mission Review of Dolores Burritos in Berlin

Our friend Lisa has had the pleasure of living in Berlin for the past few months and finally made it over to that Dolores Burrito place that purports to serve real “Mission-style” burritos stuffed with all the same excellence that you would find at El Farolito or Cancun.  Her verdict?  Mixed, of course:

They cost about the same amount that you’d pay at a taqueria on 24th St. And they’re also comparable in monstrosity.

Menos puntos: they’re very very stingy about the chips!! Which I was very disappointed about. A side order of tortilla chips was 3 euros (= $3.68). Which is a heck of a lot more expensive than their usual price of…free.

Die Amerikanerin has the scoop!


Guten Tag! Mission Burritos in Berlin!

Dolores Burrito in Berlin Obviously Not as Good as Taco-Truck Burrito

The Best Way to Transport a Mission Burrito to Somewhere as Far Away as Berlin

A Tree Without A Trunk

A Tree Without A Trunk

Is like a Bike without a Wheel.

Is Like A Bike Without A Tire

Is like a Shoe without a Foot.

Is Like A Shoe Without A Foot

El Rincon Loses Their Music

After a bullet found its way into a cop’s foot this weekend. It’s unclear to what extent their suspension shuts them down. Differing reports.

Cocktail Innovation: Frozen Berries Instead of Ice

Helena had the presence of mind on this gorgeous summer Sunday to do it with Limoncello, but I can’t wait to also try it with simpler things like whiskey or rum or maybe a flaming marg. Good work, Helena!


Broken Berries

Bernal Hill Blackberry Bonanza

Bush Bike

I’m not sure whether this was an art piece or just a guy hauling produce, but it was the highlight of my Sunday Streets. Except for the Ferocious Few show of course.

Flat Rat Says Hi

I found myself mesmerized by the smushed rat my friend Heather pointed out in front of my house.  I think it’s the way he’s managed to say goodbye to the world with his one final act.  See you later, little guy.

At the risk of moving up several notches on the vegansaurus death list, more (close-up) photos of the poor little dude after the jump . . .


Sunday Streets in the Mission TODAY

Now those are some serious closures! Have fun, everyone!

See the official Sunday Streets website for all the details.


Sunday Streets in the Mission, Summer 2009 (Second One)

Sunday Streets in the Mission, Summer 2009 (First One)

17th & Valencia Art Wall Moved Inside!

Valencia Art Wall Moved Inside

We previously linked to Mr. Eric Sir’s post about the street art put up on this boarded up storefront. Well, now the owners of the building (I assume) took down the plywood and OSB from the front of their store, but seemed interested in saving the art put up on the wall, selecting key pieces and setting them up just inside the windows. Vandalism becomes window display!

Sorry, MacGruber ads, but the street art stays. “This movie’s about to bomb! Quick, hand me the wheatpaste!”