Champion Cargo Bikers Storm Copenhagen

Barcelona Cycle Chic over the weekend toured up to Copenhagen for the Dutch Cargo Bike Championships. Look at this champ up here, haulin’ tires and such. What fun!

Lots more pictures here.


Bike Lanes in Copenhagen

Turn Around, Eight Eyes

You heard it here first: Hot new look for summer.

Photo by Devanny.

California Honeydrops On Chasing The Moon

The California Honeydrops are the latest band to be featured on Chasing the Moon and it’s my favorite installment yet. If you haven’t had a chance to see them yet, it should give you a good idea of what you’re missing. Good thing I wasn’t at this filming, because I probably would have knocked over a boom mic dancing.

From Scott McDowell:

This band is world class fresh! The California Honeydrops are the real deal: transforming any dull scene into a world class dance party. Lech Wierzynski leads killer a band that includes pianist Chris Burns, drummer Ben Malament, bass player Seth Ford-Young, and saxophonist Johnny Bones. Working on this episode was especially tough because none of us could stay seated during the editing/mixing.

I love that second tune. If you told me it was a lost Sam Cooke side I would have thought twice about it.


The California Honeydrops Talk BART Busking

Why Premium Raw Denim Might Only Work in San Francisco

Vic Wong explains, in part of a game-changing revelation about plaid shorts.

Photo by Andrew Ng.

Worst Neighbors Ever?

Chris Collin got in touch with us again to share another poignant story about living in the Mission.  It’s just as gripping (and heartbreaking) as his last tale of Randy the wanderer, but this time focuses on some complicated gentrification issues:

We were thoroughly friendly—even jokey and playful at first—but the guys just didn’t like us. Maybe we were interlopers on a block they’d dominated for years. Maybe our earnestness was annoying: our sputtering veggie oil car next to their monster V8s, our cheerful cat Biggie gazing innocently at their snarling dogs. Whatever it was, they unwelcomed us with glares and mutterings that only grew bolder over time. Sometimes we’d come home to a broken fence or a bottle smashed in our pathway, the stares from the stoop daring us to comment. Increasingly we didn’t. They had gangbanger friends, spoke intimately of violence. And, in my head, I turned muscle-bound and ridiculous, raining righteousness down upon every insult.

Have at it!


Randy: Productive and Uptight Vs. Marginal and Odd

Crazy Mission Neighbor

Funny-Ass Bus

Our very best friend in the world Caroline McCormick delivered some great news earlier today via Facebook update:

[J]ust heard a man on the F Market line refer to it as a “funny-ass bus.”

Perfecto. Now we know what the F stands for!

Photo by tweetsweet.


Who Knew You Could Charter An F-Market for Less Than $500?

Ice Cube Then and Now

Let’s all just take a moment and listen to “Wrong Nigga to Fuck With” (embedded below for those whose iTunes lack it) while looking at this shot of Cube from the official poster for Lottery Ticket, out August 20.

How does this make us feel?

Hand Job

Actually this new thing on Valencia just makes me think of the big baby in Toy Story 3.

Photo by tweetsweet.

CONTEST: One Crazy Wet Hot American Summer

Well, it probably won’t be quite as good as this rad poster, but the Roxie, as you can see, is screening a double feature of Wet Hot American Summer and One Crazy Summer on Sunday night, July 4th, presumably to celebrate our nation’s independence.

AND you can win a pair of tickets right here, right now!

Everybody loves Wet Hot American Summer, so tell us why you love it even more than everyone else. And it can’t just be because you really really love Paul Rudd’s butt. Tell us a tale, weave us a yarn. In the comments section below.

Mission Mission and maybe Roxie staff will pick the best one and that person will get two tickets.Contest ends Friday at 5pm.

By the way, last year I interviewed some members of the State, and one of the things David Wain talked about was the downside of having made something so genius:

The typical meeting with a studio or production company would be them saying, “Wet Hot American Summer is the greatest movie ever made. We love it. We watch it every day. Now can you do something that has absolutely nothing to do with that kind of sense of humor, and make sure that there’s not a shred of your voice in it, and then we can work together?”

Bummer, right? Read on.


How about that height!!

It’s almost as good as that tree-looking ‘do on the gal next to her.

Photo by thatsarahbeth.