Monday Morning Muni Malfeasance

Photographer and bike advocate Sean this morning snapped this shot of a platoon of buses in one of the newish protected bike lanes on Market. Hopefully this is just a good-natured case of a gang of Muni officials getting blitzed on the Fourth and deciding to prank the cycling community — and not something more sinister.

Of course, just four days ago we saw a federal official wedge a motor vehicle in there. And there are always plenty of charter buses clogging the lane.

Anyway, happy Monday!

(Sean hipped us to this item via our Facebook page btw. Thanks, Sean!)

Last-Minute Fourth of July Barbecue Playlist Addition

I mean, most of you guys probably already have Gonna Find Boyfriends Today in the rotation. But just in case, this is a reminder.

Also, might as well screen the video too, since nothing says SUMMER FUN IN THE MISSION quite like this video. Anyway, it’s embedded right here for easy access:

Feel free to go back and read our epic interview with Myles too.

Elephant Rears

This is play on words, you guys. See, it’s a holiday weekend, and on holiday weekends at fairs and carnivals and stuff, people like to eat elephant ears. But these are elephant REARS. Ha! Happy New Year!

Photo by elizaIO. [Thanks to Eliza for making this and the previous two posts possible. Her photostream this weekend is FULL of lots more good stuff, so peep it.]

This Is Not a Bathroom Mirror

This gag might get more play here on the internet were the bracketed funny some kind of HTML reference, or a WordPress shortcode or something. But it’s cute anyway.

Photo by elizaIO.

The Gremlins Are Proliferating

“Dude, that’s a mogwai!” I know, man. I know.

Anyway, first there was one. Now there are many. Watch your backs.

Photo by elizaIO.

Hipster 3rd of July BBQ in LA

What??? What do you expect? A bald spot?

Hipster Clothes and So Much More

Madey Gaga, the new Tumblr by Doug Madey, is always a solid read.

This morning, Doug caught wind of this choice garage sale signage.

Dolores Park Drinking Game


Why are you not at Dolores Park right now? What, are you watching Spain Paraguay? Fair enough, but as soon as that’s over try to get in on this drinking game in progress. Definitely look for overdressed Goth chick to come back with a vengeance!

[Photo by Annette]


Dolores Park Bingo Card Includes Charming Illustrations of Public Urination and Ganja Treats

New Home For Your Ironic Lost Pet Flyers

Looks like Valencia is getting some official flyer postin’ posts on those halfsie telephone poles. With this increased visibility, maybe now we’ll finally find Grease Lightnin’ the parrot or stop staring at our cell phones.

Mr. Eric Sir has the scoop.

Ribity in Rabbit Drag Has Foot-Long Dong

It’s been a while since Ribity’s done anything of note around these parts. Way to come back with a vengeance, old pal.

Now, the big question is, should Rabbity Ribity be the new Mission Mission mascot?

Thanks to Penelope Popsicle for hipping us to this new development.


Ribity in a Pickle

Marquee Ribity

Ribity in Berlin

Ribity Bound for China