Be Gas Free

Every Friday in July, SF Bike Coalition is setting up “Fuel-Up” stations at various locations around SF to encourage gas users to bike for a day instead.

See here for location map and other details.

New Graffiti Trend: Tagging Old Dudes

This smells like turf war to me. Watch your backs!

Photo by $$tackin Ca$$h.

Mission Garage Sales

Did you guys realize we have this widget in the sidebar, on the homepage? Vic launched it a month ago, so hopefully it’s hipped scores of folks to scores of bargains.

Be sure to make use of it while salin’ season is going strong!

What's the Story with Cava 22 Anyway?

The usually astute Generic says:

I can overlook comic sans and I can overlook “tequila lounge” but I can’t overlook both. [link]

Ha! But for the record: There is nothing wrong with Cava 22. *Mission Local* had their launch party there for goodness sake! Phil Bronstein was there!

THIS Is Cycling

And Box Dog Bikes is about to explain why.


The Purest Form of Cycling

One-of-a-Kind Pake Bike Stolen Outside Pop's Yesterday

We’re trying our darnedest not to make every post bike-related today, but try and resist a plea such as this:

Please help me find my bike.  It was stolen outside of Pop’s on July 4th.  It’s a black pake with spray-painted baby blue and green stripes, with pake cranks, riser bars, and a basket.  Also stolen was the only saddle I’ve ever loved, a comfy women’s Terry.  It’s one-of-a-kind, and I’m hoping readers around the bay will keep an eye out.

Get in touch via the comments or missionmissionmission at gmail if you can help.

Plus, we’ve never had reason to mention how rad the Wave Organ is — and the Wave Organ is rad!

Cyclist Beaten and Stabbed for Being a Cyclist

Woah, guys.  Careful out there!  Word is out this morning that shortly after midnight earlier today a cyclist was riding his bike near the Broadway and Embarcadero intersection when he was confronted by three men whom, as Officer Albie Esparza explains, proceeded to “punch and stab him multiple times.”

Particularly worrisome is the fact that neither his belongings nor his bicycle were stolen, leading some to believe that he was targeted by these ne’er-do-wells solely due to the fact that he was riding a bicycle.  Taken in conjunction with the scumbag who recently mowed down 4 cyclists in psychotic rage, hopefully we aren’t seeing the beginning of some new violent anti-cyclist movement brewing.

SF Appeal has the scoop.

[Photo by jorsan75]


Creep In An SUV Targeted 4 Cyclists Last Night


Street art types call it “handstyles” or something I think. But, I mean, nice penmanship!

Photo by

Hedgehog Haul

The Tenderloin Geographic Society captured this somewhat unsettling scene over the weekend. Your childhood, rendered bigger than life and then crammed in the back of dirty camper.

I do remember seeing this guy at that X-21 antique place on Valencia back before it shut down. I also remember seeing it at the original X-21 (at 21st and X Streets in Sacramento) back before they moved to SF, like 15 years ago. Maybe after all these years, early-’90s nostalgia finally kicked in just right and this Sonic finally found a home.

Or maybe they’re on their way to the dump.

Public Service Announcement: Read Sylvia Plath

Last week, we were told to read Steinbeck, and I suggested The Moon Is Down, and then I started In Dubious Battle on reader Tim’s recommendation, and I’m loving it. This Mission Wheatpaste Book Club thing is working out just fine. (Check out Tim’s blog btw, it rules.)

Anyway, I don’t know anything about Sylvia Plath. What should we read?

Photo by our pal KJ.