Therese enumerates some things dudes yell at her when she rides past on her bike:

- “nice tits” (personal favorite)

- “ride safe, mama.”

- “hey, you! on the bike! yooo-hoo!”

- “i see you getting your exercise, little mama. i see you GETTIN IT. i see you GETTIN IT.”

Entirely pleasant, right? Wrong? Anybody got anything worse?

Photo by Meli.

It's-It Birthday Cake

Cheap and easy!

Happy Birthday, All of Them Witches! Thanks for sharing your friend Sarah’s charming idea!


It’s-It Tip

Reader Comment of the Month

Comes from Mazzy, regarding the Levi’s Workshop on Valencia and the American Apparel store on Valencia that wasn’t:

I guess American Apparel should have bought a friggen printing press.

Corporations take note!

Photo by Sylvain Norget.

New Places Are Better Than Old Places: Hog & Rocks

TK over at 40 Going on 28 delivered a downright tasty review of Hog & Rocks over the weekend. Here’s some of it:

All the main courses are like $10 or $12, dig? No wonder the place was packed. I wasn’t that hungry because I had already like 16 beers so I got some jamon serrano. You know what that is? It’s a pile of ham. That suited me just fine. Stephen and Jessica are vegetarians so they were pretty much fucked because it’s called “Hog & Rocks,” not “Potato & Rocks.” They got some side dishes that were really good, though. There was a brown bean kind of thing that tasted OK.

Read the rest. And for god’s sake, be real careful doing a Flickr search for “hog and rocks.”

P.S. No way is that dude still 40. I’ve been reading that blog for like three years.

Treasure Island Music Festival Lineup Announcement: Best Pair of Headliners Ever?

The top half of the poster contains everything you need to know:

Though I’m sure we’re all pumped for !!!, Surfer Blood and She & Him too. And the Ferris Wheel of course.

Official site is here.

Paul McCartney Played at the Ballpark, Fans Screamed and Wet Themselves

Lots of folks probably had the time of their lives. India did, and here she enumerates why:

-Was amazed by how much he sounds the same/how attractive I find a 68 year old man
-Probably ruined my vocal chords screaming
-Not like he could hear me, but he did wave a lot
-This is the closest I have ever been to a Beatle
-This is also the closest I have ever been to God
-When he sang “Two of Us” I screamed and wet myself because I want to walk down the aisle to that (I mean, apparently. I yelled that when they started playing it so it must be true).

Read on.

Photo by auweia.

Birthday Party in a Mission Bar One Decade Ago

Can you imagine partying in an era prior to the Black Eyed Peas and Scissor Sisters and Lady Gaga? It must’ve been so hard.

Great henley on that one guy though. And how do you think they got to the bar? Track bikes weren’t invented yet, and U-locks were the size of hula hoops.

These guys know nothing of George W. Bush or 9/11 or Twilight or LeBron. Imagine that. What a world.

Photos by Orla G, from her set SkyLark Birthday 2000.

A Chef's Life

Mission Local this weekend has a fun Q&A with Radio Africa & Kitchen chef Eskender Aseged in which we learn why one would end up in the Mission after leaving Ethiopia, why Cafe La Boheme is the hottest spot in the neighborhood, where to get the best fish in SF, why illegal restaurants are the jam, and why you don’t want produce from Mexican markets. Read it!

(Thanks, Meli!)


Edamame Hummus and Tartine Bread at Radio Africa: What a Way to Start a Meal

Inside the Levi's Workshop

Rather than just stirring up controversy about the new Levi’s project on Valencia like we did, our pals at SFist went inside:

So, the new Levi’s pop-up thing (they’re reluctant to call it a ‘store,’ and it’s kind of not) in the former Slanted Door location on Valencia Street between 16th and 17th, is an interesting phenomenon. While on the one hand, cynics may want to see it as a simple branding exercise, it appears to be more than that, and presents an example of a retailer trying to do something creative and altruistic for an urban community, while still selling a few pairs of jeans.

I encourage you to read the rest. This is clearly not “formula retail,” so perhaps that explains why Levi’s was not rebuffed the way American Apparel was early last year.

Growing Up

I saw this post just now and I started thinking gosh maybe Jane (above) is a window into what Daisy (below) was like as a teenager. Maybe. I always wanted to know what Daisy was like as a teenager, so I hope so.