First Completely Superficial Review of Grub

The always astute generic_ is not impressed:

What do you say we just call it Food and be done with it? We can open it up right next to where Restaurant used to be.

Read the rest of the smackdown. Grub just popped up on Valencia and 18th.

Bonne Fête Nationale!

You all love the French, right? After all, this is San Francisco and I’d like to think we are Paris’ equally smug North American sister city. The best way for you to celebrate Bastille Day is to head over to Amnesia to see the always swingin’ gypsy jazz band Gaucho from 8-10pm.

There will be drinks, Charleston dancing, an accordion, authentic 30′s French jazz, and a REAL beheading. I’m not even joking. I was put in charge of constructing the guillotine.


Shameless tells us of more Bastille Day awesomeness:

There is also a Mods v Rockers Bastille day celebration at the Make Out Room. Supposed to be French guest DJ’s and dancing. It starts around 10 so fun neighborhood times to be had.

And Heather says this is going on at the Rickshaw Stop:

Don’t forget Bardot A Go Go!

Mission Workshop – BBQ And Beer On 7/15

Mission Workshop Sign

There’s a new place to get your new bag in The Mission. Former Chrome bagmakers (bagsmiths?) have opened their own bageria, Mission Workshop, located right down the alley from Esta Noche.

Mission Workshop EXT

They design their bags (and jackets, coming soon) right there in the ol’ warehouse, and have them manufactured in the U. S. of A. Colorado, I believe. Anyway, the bags are big and cool looking and weatherproof and seem expensive but are probably somewhat reasonable. $275ish? $239? For made in USA? And hardy? I dunno. I’m not that picky about apparel.


The coolest thing to me is that they’re planning monthly art shows, film screenings, and/or BBQ’s. In fact, this Thursday (7/15) they’re having a free BBQ and beer bash from your afterwork time to the late evening time (“happy hour time”). Plus art from Nate Smith and Caleb Sheridan. Should be sweet.

As a side note, doesn’t it seem like our neighborhood is racking up quite a list of logos and products/companies bearing it’s name? Is someone keeping a list? It’s rivaling my home town in its bumper sticker visibility.

Sunday Streets Video

Are you sick of hearing about how awesome Sunday Streets was? I sure am, after being hungover and stuck in a car for a 2-hour drive to Salinas during the actual event. In any case, Postcards from SF posted a short video showing some highlights.

Mission yo-yo genius Doctor Popular is featured prominently, performing music on his iPhone (hope he’s holding it right) alongside cellist/songwriter Unwoman. There’s also a little girl exploiting her adorableness to shill lemonade. I’m going to guess it was made from concentrate, but can anyone confirm? Please give a full review if so.

Four Bands in Dolores Park, Right Now!

Just finishing up work and wondering how you might be able to take advantage of the warm, sunny weather in the Mission today?  Well, head on over to Dolores Park for an evening featuring local faves the Ferocious Few along with talented up-and-comers Il Gato (who just released their new album All These Slippery Things), the Shants, and Wolf & Crow.

Bring a blanket (unicorn pattern works best), booze (might I suggest some champagne?), and a few friends (needn’t be ferocious) to check out one of those timeless summer shows that makes me proud I live in this neighborhood.  The fun starts at 6pm and lasts until dark!

[Photo by killerKAMera]

CONTEST: Win Some Organic, Small-Batch, Bicycle/Tricycle-Transported Jam and Pickles!

Look at those lovely berries! Imagine them turned into jam and spread on a cracker and popped into your mouth! INNA pickle INNA jam is a just-launched local business that would like to make that dream a reality. The Mission Mission reader that writes in with the best jam- or pickle-related story (or story about being in a real jam or pickle) wins the following:

2 jars of albion STRAWBERRY jam
1 jar of plenty spicy JALAPEÑO jam
1 jar of bread + butter persian CUCUMBER pickles
a perpetual postcard calendar

Leave your story in the comments. Contest closes one week from right now. Winner will be picked by us and INNA.

But that’s not all! This month only, you can get an annual subscription for just $100:

12 jars, delivered in 3 seasonal installments of 4 jars each:
Choose to get jam, or jam + pickles.

One subscription includes:
• 12 jars of jam/pickles in 3 seasonal collections.
• A free gift! A perpetual postcard calendar or an organic tote bag.
• Free local bicycle delivery.

Subscribe now!

Mung Monster

Is this viral advertising for some kind of new extreme-hippie energy drink?

I dunno. Anytime I see “mung” anything, I just think of Wayne and Garth counting down the top 10 worst Halloween treats. Number 3 was “chunder” and I fell on the floor laughing. Number 1 was “mung,” and Wayne said “What the hell is mung?” and I almost died. I have a hard time at vegetarian restaurants.

Photo by eb78.

Serene Lakes 'Reunion/Possibly Last Show Ever' TONIGHT

Patrick from Serene Lakes (pictured) wrote in to say, “We used to play quite a bit in SF a few years ago and haven’t played in quite a while, 3 + years, so it’s kind of a reunion show / possibly last show ever.” Epic!

From their official bio:

Serene Lakes started out as an acoustic band from members of Wormdrive (RIP) and Oak Knoll and then progressed in to the rock powerhouse you now know and love.

One of the other bands on the bill, Sleeptalks, sort of remind Patrick of old Stereolab. The show is tonight at the Knockout, $5.

TCB Courier Now Delivering for Front Porch and Clare's Deli

From TCBC (pictured) come the highly relevant tweets:

Never leave your couch again!!


TCB and Jay’s

TCB and Rhea’s

TCB the Movie

Birds in Flight

I’ve been staring into this thing for an hour but can’t pin down why it’s so compelling. It reminds me of playing with highlighters as a kid. It makes me feel calm, and it makes me love street art.

Photo by Pen Pop.