Summer in the Mission

Carlos Reyes had an epic weekend apparently. And he seems to have gotten a radder camera. See all the action.

Pitchfork Music Festival in Videos

First up is a movie I made about trying to find your friends in such a huge crowd. It is screenshotted above and embedded below:

Fun, right!?

Then comes a video by reader Travis L., in which he and a buddy deliver the results of a variation on Dolores Park Bingo they came up with just for Pitchfork:

Thanks, Travis!

Thus ends Mission Mission’s coverage of a seriously great party in Chicago.


Pitchfork Music Festival in Pictures

Smashing Capitalism One T-Mobile Store at a Time

In case you haven’t heard about it yet, Direct Action to Stop the Cuts/Creative Housing Liberation, is so bummed that it’s hard to move into the Mission on the cheap that they went ahead and helped themselves to the vacant second floor of the 20th/Mission T-Mobile building last night and occupied it into the morning. Believe me, I can relate — the only affordable spots are rent-controlled flats with a bunch of dudes who interview you for 15 minutes then just go with the cute, broke art-school chick that walks in after you.

After displaying their stern disapproval of capitalism and demonstrating some formidable pun-making skills (“Grabbin’ Newscum”!), they were ultimately put under citizen’s arrest by the building owner around noon today… which must involve mace or nunchucks, because most people would laugh that sort of thing right off.

From SF Appeal:

11:52 AM: The protesters were placed under citizen’s arrest late this morning, according to a report from Bay City News. The owner of the building issued the citizen’s arrests, charging trespassing. Five people were arrested, San Francisco police spokesman Sgt. Troy Dangerfield said. He said the five are being taken to the police station for processing and may be cited.

[photo by Steve Rhodes]

Update: Here is the full press release from the CHL:

In a city with so much conspicuous wealth, an estimated 6,000 to 15,000 individuals sleep without a roof over their head. 23,000 or more others are on the waiting list for public housing (a list that is often closed to new applicants), while some 30,000 housing units sit empty.

Each budget season, the mayor threatens to cut funding for vital housing, health, legal, and other services that help the working poor and indigent. Without these services, many who remain housed would quickly end up on the streets – or dead.

The mayor’s vision for San Francisco? Million-dollar condos and “affordable housing” that most residents can’t afford; schools and other publicly owned buildings laid to waste; jail bunks and early graves for those who have no place to rest but the sidewalks.

On Monday July 19th, community members will respond by undertaking a collective act of homefulness. Please join us promptly at 5:30pm as the march to the occupation site is time sensitive. This is community resourcefulness in action, don’t miss it! Housing is a human right!

Now It's Official

I was wondering what those lanes on the sides of Valencia were supposed to be used for.  For all we know, they could have been meant for Segways.  One of the painters suggested to me, “You should take that home and paint it on your wall.”  Thanks for the idea!  I just might do that!  I think he was joking, though, because then he wouldn’t give it to me.


Getting A Feel For The New Valencia

Valencia Doing Work

The New Valencia Is Shaping Up Quite Nicely

Pitchfork Music Festival in Pictures

Pitchfork 2010 was rad. If you haven’t been, do try some day. Apart from the epic lineups, the festival is very friendly and local, out in a neighborhood park your concierge and your cabbie have never heard of.

LCD Soundsystem nearly killed me with how perfect they are.  Totally cried during “All My Friends.” The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion are back, in good a form as ever. Surfer Blood continue to impress. Girls win the award for best shirt on a frontperson.

There were lots of cameras:

And LOTS of Ray-Bans:

Lots of trees and lots of people:



Put the Cold Beer Cold Water Man Out of Business

The Timbuk2 Dolores Chiller is $50 today only, just in case you’re into cheap stuff that is colored red white and blue.


Cool Kids Use Cool Stuff: Dolores Chiller

Mission Community Market, Now Every Thursday

Civic Center has one.  Embarcadero too.  Hell, even the Castro and Noe Valley have their own!  Fortunately, the arbitrary injustice that prevented the Mission from holding its own farmer’s market ends this Thursday.  Formerly available only to those unafraid of braving the underground and its ridiculously long line, the Mission Community Market makes its long-awaited debut this Thursday from 4-8pm at Bartlett Street between 21st and 22nd. 

And it promises to be more than just a mere famer’s market, offering live music, mural painting, craft vendors, and even Capoeira!  Think of it as an organic, edible indie mart with a taste of traditional Mission culture thrown in, along with food carts from the La Cocina stable (and plenty of snarky Mission bloggers).  While some have pondered whether we really even need another farmer’s market in SF, allow me to be frank in my reply:  As if!  Let’s hope this ambitious weekly event becomes another fine Mission institution!

[Photo by Pete Su]

Detroit Street Art: White Hipster Wants to Tell You About Civil Rights

Gotta give it to Detroit for keeping it real. The white hipsters that made this thing might’ve gotten their message through to working-class black folk easier by making the person holding the sign a working-class black person. But they kept it real. Will it do any good?

Indie Mart Was Awesome!

Fellas, you really shouldn’t miss Indie Mart. I am in full support of any event where you can get a kick-ass bloody mary (from thee Parkside) and walk around while beautiful, fashionable ladies are obliged to introduce themselves to you and excitedly hand you their contact information on creative stationary. Plus, for the gals: Broke Ass Stuart will hook you up with as many stickers as you can stuff in your organic tote bag. Flickr’r joda36 has a great photo set of the festivities.

Looks like the next one is going to be in Alamo Square on August 21st. Table fees start at the low, low $30, so sign up early. Details here.

More photos of hott crafts after the jump.


Pre-Internet Armory

Back when the Armory was still an armory?  Favorite comment so far:

how the hell did you get old cars to park there…oh wait nevermind.

Woodward between 14th and Duboce, 1976

[Photo by Dave Glass]


The Tens Takes You Inside The Armory Mad Libs!