Fingering Your Phone

Renée wants to know if she’s alone in feeling funny about manipulating her iPhone’s touch screen with her fingers.

Watch her explain, and then let her know. (Video contains language and innuendo that is NSFW.)


Renée’s Fashion Triumph

This Scooter is Tougher Than It Looks

All the other bicycles cleared out real fast when they saw what it did to that first bike.

Why You Shouldn't Date a Bay Area Hipster

I know, I know, making fun of hipster stereotypes is getting tireder and tireder.

But: “You’re kind of like a fat Katy Perry.” Haha!

[Thanks, Mimi!]


Dating in San Francisco is Brutal

Chicago Street Art

Dial R for RAD, am I right? What penmanship! Now how’s about some breakfast?



These Two Food Items Sure Look Incredibly Delicious Despite the Blurry Cellphone Photography

Up top is an Indian Pizza from Zante. If you haven’t had an Indian Pizza from Zante, you are failing at life in the Mission.

Next is a grasshopper taco from La Oaxaqueña. I’ve never had this item, but omg I want to have this item.

[We Built This City took the first photo, and Jane took the second.]


Zante Love at Mission Mission

Oaxaqueña Love at Broke-Ass Stuart

Oaxaqueña Love at Burrito Justice

KKKatie Upppdate

ABC 7 is following the story closely, and they put a little update up yesterday in which we can listen to the 911 call what got her put away (can’t wait for the dance remix!!) — and we learn where she’s at:

Katie Dunbar is under observation on the C-Pod, a sub-acute psychiatric unit in San Francisco’s County Jail #2.  Inmates there are not allowed access to the media.

Read on.


KKKatie BBBusted!

Mission Burritos for Rhodes Scholars

As the legend of the Mission Burrito is retold around the world, it stands to reason that crafty international entrepeneurs will begin recognize its potential as an All-World meal talent fit for any palate.  Such is the case in Oxford, UK, where ravenous chaps can now satisfy their hunger at THE MISSION Mexican Grill

Checking their website, it appears that they’ve got the right idea with offerings of carnitas, adobo asada, and a grilled veggie burrito that sounds suspiciously Papalotian.  Nonetheless, I’m not sure if you can ever really trust the British when it comes to food, especially if their idea of a cheesesteak is any indication.

Of course, you can’t question their enthusiasm, as evidenced by the crazed expression on their chief taco chef’s face in addition to some choice quotes from their website:

Our expert burrito makers will entertain while they serve – it’s quite an art, so our staff are trained to be the best of the best.

Try our extra hot salsa, if you dare!   Made with Dorset Naga’s, the world’s hottest chillies – our chef has to wear a mask when making it!

As for price, it seems as though all the burritos are in the 5-pound range (woah, that just gave me a crazy idea–stay tuned!), which comes out to around $8 US–sure, pricier than El Farolito and Cancun, but less expensive than Papalote.  Not so bad for a land where a sandwich can easily set you back fifteen bucks!

[Photos and Scoop by MM reader Keith--thanks again!]


NYC: Burrito Watch

Japanese Burritos Rule!

Guten Tag! Mission Burritos in Berlin!

Another Mission Review of Dolores Burritos in Berlin

Australian Mission Burritos Revealed!

Tarp Surfing Is Back

And it’s better than ever, and it’s fun for the whole family, and it just might be even better than fix-push skateboarding.

[via kottke]

Spelling It Out

Ce N'est Pas un Vélo
How many bikes are in this photo?

Dating in San Francisco (Brutal)

California Sunshine over the weekend posted the story of Aaron (left) and Dinah (right), a pair of sexy young San Franciscans:

I developed a crush on Dinah in Los Angeles. She’s my type- dark, busty, funny, strange. We hung out, we went to party where I folded my arms around her waist and tried to kiss her. She wasn’t interested, but she didn’t push me away.

A week later I asked her out for dinner and drinks. She said yes.

Read on to see how it all shakes out, and maybe you can help answer some of Aaron’s questions about why dating in SF is so brutal.