"A Serious Downer"

A Serious Downer
Check out this amazing shot from good ol’ Bob/bats… in Dolores Heights.

Click for big.

Here's What's Wrong With Our Generation

We’re going to end this week’s examination of dating and friendship and flakiness in San Francisco and California with this sober rap by reader Al:

Here’s my theory, (note: huge generalizations will be made): Our grandparents grew up during the Great Depression thus rearing their children (our parents) to value hard work, decorum, conservatism. As a result we have the buttoned up, squeaky clean 50′s and then the revolt of the free lovin 60′s. Unsure of how to raise us, our parents padded our cribs, fed us on formula of “you can be whatever you want to be” “everyone should go to college” “be an astronaut, honey” “be a ballerina” and it’s left us, as a generation, completely floundering. We can’t make decisions period. About career paths. “Let’s all be designers!” or what the fuck to eat. We’re all looking for the bigger, better, EASIER, next thing. This includes again jobs, lovers, friends, weekend plans. We like to keep all options open, hoping that someday our shot at “space” or “prima ballerina” will fall effortlessly in our lap.

Totally. If only I could be a ballerina without having to practice my pirouettes all that much.

But I have to say, there are advantages to this trip: Last weekend at Handlebar in Chicago, right after LCD Soundsystem’s epic set, my cousin Jono, a designer (he came up with that great Verizon “Rule the Air” logo), couldn’t decide whether to get nachos or fries. So he got nachos and fries and had no complaints. (See the fun after the jump.)

[Above photo by Elisa Hough.]


San Francisco is Made of LEGOS

Or at least it should be.  Then we could all take photos that look as cool as those of Walter Dukes.

Do yourself a favor and click through to the large version for a psychedelic view from Dolores Park without the truffles.

UPDATE!!! Just noticed this crazy version too of the same scene!


It Burns: Mission HDR Photography

Something We Can All Agree On

Snapped in Pi Bar by Broke Ass Stuart.

What's Going on Here, Guy Spraying Kerosene in His Own Face?

Whether the π/beers thing is related or not, I have no idea what is going on in this image. I’ve zoomed way in and can’t seem to figure what that appendage growing out of that guy’s upper torso is. Looks like an illustration in a “Say No to Spraying Kerosene in Your Own Face” pamphlet from the doctor’s office — but that’s not a real thing. Halp!

Photo by westbymidwest.

Purple Tree

This is on Dolores Street somewheres. Just let me put on my purple American Apparel shirt and my purple fake Ray-Bans and then somebody take my picture under it okay?

Photo by jessohackberry.

Who Is the Egg Bandit of 15th and Valencia?

Some mystery bombadier seems to be  pelting random passerby with barrages of eggs as they make their way down Valencia approaching Pica Pica, that newish Venezuelen place across the street from Little Star.  My buddy Eric described his first encounter:

Heading home from practice, I started to notice this peculiar smell, like it was breakfast or something.  Then I saw that it was emanating from this huuuuuge pile of broken eggs on the sidewalk.  At that moment, I felt something whoosh past my face . . . sure enough, an egg.  I looked across the street to see who was throwing them, but didn’t catch anyone, so I just got out of there as fast as I could.

Then, a few days later, I’m walking down the same street and this girl about 10 paces ahead of me gets nailed out of nowhere.  I hurry up to get out of range before the ambusher can reload, but I still can’t tell where they’re coming from.  Be careful when you’re getting arepas!

Does anyone have any idea would could possibly be motivating this dairy-hurling poultry-slinging villain?  Any word on if they’re organic or cage free?

[Photo by Craig Hunter]

Thao Nguyen and John Vanderslice Tonight at the Verdi Club

Our buddy Nicole Browner from Bay Bridged explains why she’s pumped about this year’s Regional Bias:

I am personally excited about having this fairly new local band, Exrays (members of Ray’s Vast Basement). Also, we have Morgan Maki (18 Reasons/Bi-Rite) cooking for the evening, with veg options. Many of the local artists are people who have designed website banners for us in the past and present, and they will be selling their work. Yeah SF!

Yeah SF! RSVP (or invite your friends) via the Regional Bias 2010 Facebook Page.


Scenes from Oysterfest 2010 featuring Thao Nguyen

Gallery Hijinks in the Mission TONIGHT!!!

It’s always a fun time when a new gallery opens in the neighborhood, and tonight promises to be no exception as Gallery Hijinks makes its debut on the Mission art scene.  The fun starts at 7pm tonight and features two different yet enticing exhibitions. 

Pictured above is the offering from the Free Life Center, a large scale freestanding installation crafted from salvaged building materials that can be modularly configured for a variety of purposes, kind of like that parklet on 22nd Street, but will probably just end up getting hotboxed.  Looks like it was pretty fun to put together, though!

For a more visceral experience, check out Jerking Off In Bunkbeds for a collection of photos that will leave you feeling dried up, empty and ready to molest life!  Anytime you get the chance to come away with a new book called Fingerbanging Amelia Earheart, you really just have to do it.

The gallery opening is from 7-10pm tonight, and musical performances will be happening on Saturday from 6-9pm at this exciting new space on 2309 Bryant at 21st Street.  Did I mention that the TCB Courier dudes are also involved in this project?  Seriously, bike messengers and art together at last, and unbeatable combination.  Check it out tonight!

Life at a Higher Speed

Happy Friday, friends! These cute animals need a home btw!

Fastlane — 1 year old female calico

Appropriately named, Fastlane is a quick moving and sleek little girl. She enjoys life at a higher speed than most and prefers to keep the road free of other cats. Fastlane is equally gentle and loving to round off her highway ride to your heart.

Pharaoh — 7 year old Austrailian Shepherd

Oh yeah… You’ve seen my type before…the breed that wins all the ribbons at dog athletic competitions and beauty competitions too. I’m a well mannered and handsome guy, easy on the leash, and tender-hearted. My breed is known for being super trainable and very smart!

All pets adopted from SFSPCA have received a pre-adoption veterinary exam and behavior assessment, vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery and a microchip.

Where: The San Francisco SPCA’s Maddie’s Adoption Center
Address: 250 Florida Street (at 16th – Street)
Hours: Open Tues – Friday 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday/Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Closed Mondays and major holidays.
Contact: 415-522-3500, www.sfspca.org
Follow SFSPCA at facebook.com/sfspca and twitter.com/sfspca.