SFPD Shuts Down Lemonade Stand

From our pal Bob Brust:

Kids at Dolores shutdown by cops.
Can,t make exceptions.

I hope they don’t get deported.

Thanks, Bob!


SFPD Shuts Down Hangry Tweaker

SFPD Shuts Down Friendly Jedi

SFPD Deploy Mobile Guard Tower in Dolores Park

Breaking Pizza News at Arinell


Whenever someone asks me where to find the best pizza in the city, I always just simply say Arinell.  When it comes to proper zest and sourness of the sauce, appropriate reservation of cheese allotment, perfect texture and crispness of crust, timeliness of service, and fair pricing, Arinell proves adept mastery of all categories.

The only area fit for improvement was accessibility, as the pizza maestros were only open until 10pm on weekdays and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.  Well, no longer.

Arinell is now open until 3am on Fridays and Saturdays, as proudly proclaimed on their new vinyl sign.  Look for neighboring  Thrill of the Grill to go out of business within the next month.


Behind The Scenes At Arinell

Rules Signage at Arinell Pizza

Sunday Afternoon Wheatpastes

Sinkface Trikeboy
Found at The Secret Alley.

Lurking Narwal
Found on 18th near Dolores.

Honeycomb Seating at Mission Community Market

How did they manage this?  My fashion instincts say it’s just a bunch of fabric cores and some giant rubber bands, but my scientific proclivity wonders how they got all the bees out.

Uh oh.  Too soon, way too soon.  RIP Hayes Valley Farm Bees

[Photo from MissionCommunityMarket]

More '80s Nostalgia: Nerf Graffiti

When will it end? Gremlins are fun, Ghostbusters fucking rule. Nerf stuff was okay.

But if I see some kind of Howard the Duck wheatpaste around the way, I am going be a leetle bummed out.

Photo by sf graffiti.

Who Eats Panda Express in Dolores Park Anyway?

The photo comes from something called Pristine Parks Project, from their photo set Dolores Park – July 15, 2010. It’s a bunch of photos of stuff people left on the ground at Dolores Park.

Where Can We Watch Mad Men Tomorrow?


I’m wondering if you know of any bars showing the Mad Men season premiere.  If not, could you put a call out to see if anyone is??   I need to find a place to watch!  Thanks!  (plz don’t include my name or contact info on yr blog)

I am also guilty curious about this. Sure I could steal cable, but last time I tried to mess with my building’s cable box I think I broke cable for everyone for a couple of hours. Oh shit, forget I said that. I think my building manager reads this blog.

[photo by ytfelmi]

Roman Candle Baseball

One last detour to the Midwest to close out a week of many detours to the Midwest, this one courtesy of Chicago photographer Nick Gerber. This sport looks fully badass — and I’m sure nobody’s face ever gets burned clean off.

But seriously, the MLB could take a lesson from this crew — less doping and more FLAMING PROJECTILES.

[The pitcher is here; the batter is here.]

Parrot Squadron

I’ve embedded “Ride of the Valkyries” below. You’re welcome.

Photo by SF Citizen, via Carlos Reyes. Do view it larger if you’re inclined.

The Park From Above

Jason Rosete captured some sweet pics of other Jasons jumping around in Dolores Park.

Jason Maggied cruising for a(nother) bruising.

Jason Clary getting air(y).