Microwave Harassment

Time to stock up on aluminum foil. Our favorite irate aged Mission dude commenter spotted this guerilla safety alert on 17th and Mission. The overwhelming jargon reads like a Frank Chu poem.

All this seems to coincide with the new cell tower radiation legislation making the rounds. Will we all have iPhone shaped tumors on our left thighs in 25 years? No cell-phone havin’ Ariel Dovas wont. Let’s hope he repopulates the world.

[via Cranky Old Mission Guy]


Our astute readers have pointed out that these are allegedly put up by the Jejune Institute. A quasi-cultish-LARPing outfit in the financial district.

Terrorist Alert

I saw this terrorist wanted poster in front of La Rondalla last night. The problem is I can’t tell if it’s:

a.) Viral marketing for a new action-thriller

b.) Street art

c.) Ex-boyfriend revenge

d.) Legitimate

Can anyone shed some light on the subject? Or if you see this cartoon lady, rat her out at (857) 334-4676 and do fill us in.

Kind Of A Review

A couple of weeks ago I posted about a new bag company in the neighborhood, Mission Workshop. Tasked with doing some kind of a review of their backpack, I decided to . . . well, I did my best. Take a look.

In summary, the bag is expensive, at $200+ it’s more than I would think to spend on a bag. Then again it’s made and, apparently, sourced in the US. Plus, as was pointed out on the previous thread, if you only have to buy it once and it lasts, maybe it’s a solid investment.

In any case, this does seem like a great bag to take camping or on an urban hike or whatever. It’s huge and fits a ton of crap. It’s also obviously made with care and attention to detail. So if this is the kind of thing that’s important to you, this is a good buy.

I’m still uneasy with all these hip new things being named after the neighborhood . . . but I’m writing this on a blog that did it twice, so what can I really say.

Bicycle Music Festival This Saturday

The Bicycle Music Festival is back!  What better way to spend a sunny Saturday than biking down city streets with a bunch of fellow cyclists in the middle of huge rolling concert

The fun starts in Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park at 12 Noon for a bushel of bands headlined by Sean Hayes.  At 5pm the party gets rolling through the streets (the full map of the ride can be seen here), with bicycle rapper Fossil Fool leading the way on his crazy double-decker musical cycling contraption (seen in the awesome GIF up there by Burrito Justice).

The route goes through Dolores Park (where, if last year is any indication, a few bands might post up and play),  Valencia,  24th Street, and Harrison, before looping back to 16th and finishing the party up at Showplace Triangle.  See you there!


Last Year’s Bicycle Music Festival

Pabst Through the Ages

“You kids of today act like you invented liking PBR. Well guess what? We drank it during the Great Depression! It was blended 33 to 1 and that’s the way we liked it!” – Pep-Pep

This came from a breathtaking set of color photos from the late 30s/early 40s that you should check out right now. Experiencing photos from this era in color is surreal. It sounds silly, but it’s hard to even imagine color existed back then until you actually see it for the first time.

[from Denver Post via Dangerous Minds]

Mission: Comics & Art In Comics

Mission: Comics and Art‘s own Leef Smith was recently immortalized in comic form, along with two other local comic shop guys and a few old school ones. The amazing drafstman Jon Adams illustrates and writes the piece for The Bold Italic.

As drawn by Jon Adams.

As photographed by AD.

This Saturday Leef invites you into his awesome shop on 20th Street for a performance by Marian Call. Her music is rad and when you hear it you know why she’s playing at a comic book store.

Info is found here.

Zeitgeist Infiltration

Carlos managed to snap some unencumbered photos of his friends while at Zeitgeist yesterday.  Did they get tossed out by the notoriously fickle security dudes?

Find out for yourself.



SFGate: Mission Bartenders Are A Bunch Of Meanies

Live Above Zeitgeist!

Marina <3

Marina people: we sure love to hate ‘em, what with their clean neighborhoods and surfer-influenced fashions. Well here’s a shocker, maybe they don’t like you so much either.

But what’s the problem? We like drinking lots of beers too! As for sports? The World Cup was cool! Good, expensive food? Yes, please! Didn’t you also go to a good college? Uh-huh!

Somebody other than myself was also disturbed by this, and chalked this up on Valencia St. over the weekend:

Thank you, anonymous Mission chalker. The olive branch has been extended. Bros and hipsters… living together… mass hysteria.

Teen Jobs For Teens

This flyer on 20th and Harrison not only offers you teen readers vague employment opportunities, it also goes the extra mile and shows you the perks of having money. Namely: piles of cash, a Wii, and Six Flags trips. Other (not pictured) possibilities include bags of candy, Todd McFarlane action figures, and those hats with the propellors on the top.

Go to it, young whippersnappers. And be sure to name drop me so I get the referral bonus.

How Iz It?

Oh, good!

Photo by dana dana.


Love Will Tear Us Apart