This is a still from a new film by Talent Is An Asset. You will want to watch the whole thing. The soundtrack is great too.
This is a still from a new film by Talent Is An Asset. You will want to watch the whole thing. The soundtrack is great too.
The blog so nice they named it twice.
wtf happened to this blog.
You tell me. I feel like it’s the same as it ever was. What are you not seeing that you’d like to see? Please be constructive.
Here is what it seems like:
1. More shilling for product.
2. More repetition of topics.
3. Less about the Mission, more about whatever.
4. Less about people, more about things.
If you look at the front page right now you’ll find:
4 posts about malt liquor beverages
4 posts about restaurants (one of which is, of course, Bender’s, another el Farolito).
3 posts selling stuff.
4- weird shit happening in the Mission.
Please just compare it to March 2008 (chosen completely at random):
To me it just seems like this became another lifestyle blog about the same few venues and things in the Mission. Because MissMiss has been going on for a while now, and the Mission is changing, it just seems to have a different vibe. Less exploratory, more of a taste creator for the group of people who need their tastes created. I liked this blog in the beginning because it seemed like I could some here and find something new/interesting/different about the awesome hood I live in. Maybe I am totally wrong, but it just doesn’t feel like that anymore. Are pageviews up at least?
You could have gone out on the street and learned something new by the time it took you to write that. There are other ways to spend your time y’know. Instead of putting down something that people work at.