Niçoise Salad at Coffee Bar Looks Hell of Good

Yum! And I thought the food at Coffee Bar was only good when Radio Africa was in the house.

Zoë Banks informs us that it’s quite weighty and takes forever to eat.

5 Responses to “Niçoise Salad at Coffee Bar Looks Hell of Good”

  1. Bullshit. I could mow through that in 15 minutes. I wouldn’t respect myself or anyone who sat nearby me, the net day, but that does look like a righteous snack.

  2. Dingleberry says:

    “Niçoise Salad at Coffee Bar Looks [Hella] Good”

    Fixed it.

  3. SlideSF says:

    You fucking tool ;)

  4. meligrosa says:

    had some gazpacho lil’soup during the heatwave. and also their potato bfast stuff in the weekend has been a friend some fcuken nasty hungovers