Hey, come on up to the 16th and Mission station, where we endure the crappy 70s AOR boom-box music of deranged, indigent African-American layabouts all evening long. Offensive as it sounds, I kid you not.
Actually, that is a fairly accurate description of the overnight crowd at the 16th + Mission Plaza (southwest corner). But, in your eagerness to pick a fight with me, you have failed to notice that the point of my comment was not to describe all the people who hang out at the BART station I know best, but, instead, to compare the types of obnoxious noise-makers one is most likely to encounter at the two stations. Since the original picture was taken at night at the 24th St. plaza, a comparison with 16th Street’s night noise-makers naturally suggested itself. I could, however, have referenced the loony Latino megaphone-toting street preachers of the Christian gospel. But those guys you only see weekend mornings. And I suspect that 24th St. has them, too.
Though Cranky’s original post *sounds* offensive, it is the truth. I get off work at 1:00 am, and when I used to have to walk by the 16th and Mission BART, the “overnight” crowd was, indeed close to 100% African American. Don’t know why this is, but I did not ever see any Latino, White, or Asian folks enjoying the hospitality of the 16th St. Slumber Party.
Hey, come on up to the 16th and Mission station, where we endure the crappy 70s AOR boom-box music of deranged, indigent African-American layabouts all evening long. Offensive as it sounds, I kid you not.
funny that you only notice the African American layabouts. How about an accurate description cause that ain’t it…
Actually, that is a fairly accurate description of the overnight crowd at the 16th + Mission Plaza (southwest corner). But, in your eagerness to pick a fight with me, you have failed to notice that the point of my comment was not to describe all the people who hang out at the BART station I know best, but, instead, to compare the types of obnoxious noise-makers one is most likely to encounter at the two stations. Since the original picture was taken at night at the 24th St. plaza, a comparison with 16th Street’s night noise-makers naturally suggested itself. I could, however, have referenced the loony Latino megaphone-toting street preachers of the Christian gospel. But those guys you only see weekend mornings. And I suspect that 24th St. has them, too.
Though Cranky’s original post *sounds* offensive, it is the truth. I get off work at 1:00 am, and when I used to have to walk by the 16th and Mission BART, the “overnight” crowd was, indeed close to 100% African American. Don’t know why this is, but I did not ever see any Latino, White, or Asian folks enjoying the hospitality of the 16th St. Slumber Party.