CONTEST: Win Tickets to Guided By Voices Classic Lineup Tour Tomorrow at the Warfield!

Guided By Voices are back for real! And they’re playing tomorrow night at the Warfield! And you can win tickets by leaving a comment below explaining why you deserve the tickets more than anyone else! Bonus points for creativity! Winner will be chosen by Mission Mission editors before 5pm tonight, based on merit, and notified ASAP!

The show is presented by Noise Pop, and features opening act Times New Viking, who I saw at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit this summer. They were awesomely contemporary.

20 Responses to “CONTEST: Win Tickets to Guided By Voices Classic Lineup Tour Tomorrow at the Warfield!”

  1. Dude! I totally deserve these tickets. I told an ex-boyfriend back on the East Coast that I was going to this show as soon as I heard about it. He’s going to one of the shows on the East Coast and I thought this might be my way back to his heart! (GBV & Pollard’s solo stuff was a relationship marker for us). Anyways, I said that I was going WAY before I realized what a broke ass I am and don’t have money for tickets. He told me to let him know how the show here is. Uh, I was kinda planning on talking about how awesome it was even after I realized I didn’t have money for tickets just so I’d have something to talk to him about. Oh, and I may or may not have sung “Window of My World” and cried over and over again when we broke up. I MAY have done that.

  2. Mike says:

    I grew up in Dayton only one mile from Robert Pollard’s birth home. Bob needs me there to help him feel more comfortable and at home in San Francisco. My presence therefore will help create a more kick ass show for everybody. In addition, I promise to buy the strangers on either side of me beers.

  3. kls says:

    Because I stayed up until 3am watching the matador 21st birthday in vegas (streaming online) just so I could catch the full set. I am dead tired at work today. But it was worth it. I’d like to see them in a more 3 dimensional aspect — also before my bedtime would be nice.

  4. Aaron says:

    I deserve these tickets because someone under 40 needs to be there

  5. lisa says:

    because when i was 16 years old, i snuck out of the house a few nights before new years, hopped a train to the apollo in harlem, and went to see them play with the strokes. when i was busted after and my father picked me up in a cab fuming, giving me the “how can we ever trust you” lecture, and grounding me over new years, i totally knew it was worth it.

  6. Andy says:

    I deserve these tickets because my room mate and I own between every GBV record and we’ve been known to get drunk and spontaneously cover ‘Alien Lanes’ from start to finish.

    We’re the only people who could drink as many Budweiser’s and whiskey during the set as Uncle Bob himself.

    And because we’re going to have a GBV cover band this Halloween called King Shit and a Golden Boys…. this is clearly obvious research.

    Oh and we’ve never seen them, can’t afford it and probably won’t ever have another chance to see the original line-up!!

  7. Cade says:

    I deserve these tickets because I’ve never heard a guided by voices album, cant tell you even one song title, and don’t know what the damn hype is about. Really at the end of the day I want these tickets just to rub it in one of my friends faces who is a HUGE fan of “GBV” and didnt get tickets.
    Of course I wouldn’t give one to him, revenge is a dish best served inside of the Warfield to him looking on from the outside…heres to a free show!

  8. c rex says:

    The reason I would like the tickets is because there are cold hands, touching my face. It’s ok though don’t hide – the snake can see you! I also have old friends you might not remember, fading away from me.

    So because of these factors, i feel that the missionmission blogs of the universe would be best served by my going to this event, while being followed by the teenage fbi.


  9. jerry says:

    for all the dusty four track tapes in the world and for the millions of metaphors jaggedly line songs composed in bedrooms across the decades and for the simple fact that we all drink from the same pool of expression and for the history of oral tradition and it’s one way to console ourselves about our time and place while singing the praises of the beauty surrounds us

  10. Jill Hives says:

    I need a break from the game of pricks!

  11. pedro says:

    because i hear the show will be “okay”. and i’d be okay with that.

  12. jackie says:

    I deserve it more than anyone because I’ve been a fan since high school (read:loooooong time) and I have NEVER had the opportunity to see them live. UNACCEPTABLE! Especially given the amount of times I have had sex to Alien Lanes…

  13. Jeremiah Michaels says:

    Been guided by the voices in my head for years. Wait, this isn’t a therapy session? Ooo, concert with real people and a band. Might have to wear pants to that……