San Francisco Stairways iPhone App

My favorite San Francisco stairways are the Filbert steps, the Jupiter steps, the Harry steps and the Detroit Steps. What are yours? Don’t have any? Maybe you need San Francisco Stairways, the new app by Barbara Rockwell.

3 Responses to “San Francisco Stairways iPhone App”

  1. friscolex says:

    Sweet app if you’re into that sort of thing. Mine are Everson, Vulcan, Valley and any stairs built into streets (Noe at CC, Webster at Broadway, etc).

  2. Almostnative says:

    The Harry steps in Outer Noe/Glen Park are amazing..all wooden, and they go up a staggeringly long ways. Bottom starts on Laidley right where Noe St. ends. The steps continue all the way to Beacon. Some great little houses also are accessed from the steps.

  3. Barbara says:

    If you like Harry, I’d also recommend Joy and Rutledge (Bernal Heights) and Pemberton (Upper Market). Long, lush, amazing…and you’ll probably have them all to yourself.