Help a Former MM Blogger Get on Mad Men

Fudgekat is just as obsessed with Mad Men as you guys are, so naturally she’s entered a contest to win a walk-on role on the show.  All you have to do is stop here for one second and vote for her so she can fulfill her dream.  And she really wants this one, too:

I need all the votes I can get!  And yes, I stuffed 2 pairs of socks down my shirt to achieve the look.  Sex sells.

Vote for Fudgekat!


Where Can We Watch Mad Men Tomorrow?

4 Responses to “Help a Former MM Blogger Get on Mad Men”

  1. Evan says:

    Oh… they’re socks. I was gonna say! Va-va-voom!

  2. Washington Carver says:

    I voted for her.

  3. bluderdale says:

    voted…lumpy boobz

  4. chalkman says:

    I voted, but she is getting smoked….