Supercharged Craigslist Eyes

Finding a new place to live in this city can be tough, you guys. Like super tough, right? Yesterday, Jen Gann broke it down. Like a poet or something:

Get a new voice, get a new email, get super charged Craigslist eyes. Stalk the columns. Separate ads from each other. Know the rental companies, the short cuts in applications, the fastest way to beat another’s application with your own. Offer to pay and pay now. Carry your checkbook like it’s a change purse and use it just as often.

Read on.

Photo by Robby Virus.

2 Responses to “Supercharged Craigslist Eyes”

  1. Jen says:

    Still without a lease signed! Waiting for people to call! Thanks for your support, Mission Mission!

  2. Ferocious Foot Odor says:

    #1 most important: have a good credit history. It says a lot about a person.