Heard You Banging Last Night

Emily found this charming note outside her door the other day. So, flattering or creepy?

8 Responses to “Heard You Banging Last Night”

  1. Heather says:

    Disgruntled neighbor?

  2. Ferocious Foot Odor says:

    Audio-only porn is a niche business. Or so I’m told.

  3. upstairs guy says:

    My downstairs neighbours posted an ad on craigslist for a moving sale at my place. at 7 am. All because of the “constant pornographic soundtrack coming out of your window. you two need to give it a rest”. I would have loved that note on my door.

  4. Bob Dole says:

    Pics of this ‘Emily’ or discussion is useless.

  5. [...] Heard You Banging Last Night Emily found this charming note outside her door the other day. So, flattering or creepy? [...]

  6. SergDun says:

    I did this in hopes of sending a message, it didn’t work. maybe they don’t have laptops
