Muni Drivers

Apparently people that ride buses into the Financial District are less friendly than people that ride buses elsewhere. See how stuff like that affects your Muni driver’s day in this new movie by Sara Biegelsen.

18 Responses to “Muni Drivers”

  1. Ferocious Foot Odor says:

    Look, these people get paid very well for driving a bus. They make more than most Americans and have benefits better than pretty much anyone.

    But I know they think they are victims, because they proclaim that they are victims at every opportunity. Almost as frequently as they:

    Fail to pull into the stop, blocking traffic.
    Gun it through red lights.
    Honk at people in front of them who are parallel parking.
    Refuse to be helpful to confused riders.
    Fight for wage increases while everyone else is broke.
    Oh, and one other thing: have crashes and run over people on an almost daily basis.

    Who paid for this “documentary?”

    • moses says:

      you seriously sounds like a giant piece of shit. i don’t work for muni, but i do drive in the city, and she’s right, it’s a hard fucking job. thank your lucky stars you’re not doing it. and you really think all bus drivers are rude, incompetent assholes? jesus. they’re working class people who have to put up with thee worst elements in the city day in and day out. you ever seen a bus driver in new york? ever seen one in buttfuck indiana? i’m sure the drivers vary from city to city and state to state which is pretty much in line with their environment. you have to be a little tough to work with the public in a big city, it’s the way the city breaks you down a bit by bit. and you’re losing your collective shit because a bus blocked an intersection? a 70 foot bus can’t sit there and wait for enough space for them to clear on the other side of an intersection in bumper-to-bumper traffic, ’cause it’d never happen. god forbid you sit through a light. and you think drivers are responsible for the way muni is run, or how psycho the union is? you think they’re responsible for the inefficiency of muni and it’s routes? i hate to break it to you, but all they do is drive the bus. back to the troll hole from which you crawled you overly sensitive piece of shit.
      and why the fuck does it matter who paid for the doc? don’t worry dick, it wasn’t your tax dollars you fuckin’ republican shit.

      • Kyle Madison says:

        Thank you, MUNI representative moses. That was very informative.

        Everything FFO said is true. Muni drivers are the scum of the city. They go out of their way to make your life miserable. Can’t WAIT to vote for the save Muni prop in November. I let every bus driver that pisses me off know. I’m going for you at the ballot, Mother Frakker.

  2. Ferocious Foot Odor says:

    Next up: “Its time for my break!” — the searing tale of life behind the counter at the DMV.

  3. Able says:

    Whine whine whine. Being nearly run down in crosswalks three times by Muni, I have no sympathy for them. Plus they make more money than a lot of harder working folks who don’t have nearly the good benefits the drivers do.

    Try a job bagging groceries or running the cashier at Safeway.

  4. Anna says:

    i’m surprised by all the hating on the muni drivers! thanks for this movie- it’s great! i was just talking with my friend the other day about how we can’t imagine how hard it must be on a person emotionally to be a muni driver. we’re sensitive to the energy around us, so when we just ride the bus for short periods we feel brought down emotionally by all the sad / mad / disgruntled / crazy people… that kind of emotional energy is contagious (not to say we haven’t had happy times on buses, but generally the vibe is super dour). so for a driver to have to be around that constantly while trying to maintain safety and dealing with rude passengers – it’s a fucking hard job and they deserve what they’re getting paid!

  5. james says:

    San Francisco is the only city I know where bus passengers regularly say “thank you” to the driver when they get off the bus.

  6. I just want to say Thanks Tammy! She drives the 33 and always makes my day. There was one day in particular where she decorated the bus with balloons, streamers, and signs that read “With YOU there’d be no Muni. Thanks riders!”

    It was amazing to me to see the rider response. I loved it. It made my day. Others were completely annoyed that there were decorations on the bus. One rider even went to far as to try and take them down.

    With riders of this varied nature, I can understand why drivers become emotionally drained and schizophrenic. I think we all need to understand our own role in creating a positive Muni experience. It resides with the drivers, the passengers, the larger community, and MTA. We all need to be willing to make concessions and compromise.

  7. gussie says:

    I avoid muni because when I take it I become an enraged asshole (mostly thanks to the other passengers… except on the 37 where I was sometimes the only rider, and the driver would tell me I was pretty, aw).

    My favorite Muni day ever was 6 yrs ago on the 22 inbound, driver ran the stop at Grove, then stopped midblock, I thought randomly… but no! a moto cop pulled him over, stepped onto the bus, and wrote that indignant mofo a ticket. Oh how I laughed and laughed. I laughed for 30 minutes. Best muni ride of my life.

  8. t-bone says:

    I think the point she is trying to make is that people in this city are rude assholes like most of you.

  9. cyclist says:

    I don’t think the Muni “haters” are saying its an easy job.

    There are a LOT of crap jobs in the city where you have to deal with d-bags.

    The point is that MUNI drivers are over-compensated and have work rules that prevent any improvement on a critical city service.

    I’ll stick with “hating” MUNI because there’s a long line of people that would do that job with a smile and competence.

    How about a documentary about a starbucks barrista in the financial district? now I really feel bad for them – they earn mininum and deal with the same d-bags.

    • Clayton Fucking Blaha. says:

      Yep, never once have I had a MUNI driver say so much as “How are you?” let alone “Have a nice day”. Yeah, some jobs suck. I WORKED AT A STARBUCKS IN THE FINANCIAL DISTRICT, AND IT FUCKING SUCKED.

      No one is entrusting her with their life. It’s physics, the bus has far too much inertia to inflict deadly injuries to passengers at that speed. That’s why they don’t have seat belts.

      ON THE OTHER HAND pedestrians and cyclist ARE killed every fucking year by these lazy fucks. Fuck MUNI. F’real.

  10. Rod says:

    MUNI drivers have a hard job. they are punching bags for the public. they should be compensated well. but currently they are over-compensated. there are plenty of jobs where you have to deal with the public for a lot less than 80-100k. they shouldn’t be making more than cops. they shouldn’t be abusing the overtime system. they shouldn’t be trying to negotiate raises when every other dept of SF is cutting or freezing wages. their salaries should really be in the 50-65k range. i’m sure there are plenty of people out there that would gladly drive a bus for a starting salary of 50k and benefits.

    • Able says:

      The security guards at Best Buy have to deal with as many or more freaks as a Muni bus driver does, yet they are lucky if they make $40k.

  11. lily white city says:

    SF is a city of transplanted special interest groups that really couldn’t give a f*ck about anyone or anything outside of their agenda. These comments are proof.

    MUNI drivers have a pretty tough job. Just dealing with all the ‘tards on their bicycles would be enough to make me quit after a week.