That’s right, folks. Come October, the Muni Fast Pass will be no more. Replaced by some kind of Translink-related thing. SFist has the whole story. We have, by way of early memorial, a bunch more rad antique fast passes:
Scans by sallyw3000 from her set SF Muni Fast Passes.
SHHH. It’s not ‘Translink’ anymore… now it’s called ‘Clipper’. And it only cost $2.13 Million to do it…
What are the privacy protections in place with this new system? Can a person buy an anonymous pass? How long is your transit usage stored on muni computers?
What standards do law enforcement personel have to have to get this data? A simple request? A warrent?
Will this data be sold, with or without personal identifiers?
Scarey shit. How secure are the riffid transmitters in the translink passes. Can private firms id the cards the way toll fast passes are ided?
What a fucking mess.
You asked a very good question about an anonymous pass. You are correct, a cardholder has the right to not register their card with TransLink/Clipper. But be warned, just like paper passes, if you lose the card, there will be no replacement. Registering the card guarantees a replacement for a $5 replacement fee.
I’m sure to all your questions the answer is: BE SCARED SH*TLESS.
I hate that I live in this world sometimes, but refuse to actually put in the effort to be just totally cash-based.
And then there is even LESS legitimate information access, against which you might want an aluminum foil holder, or perhaps something like this
use real money, you should be fine
Btw, RAD is right for those sweet old-school Fast Passes!
Who knew MUNI went to Hetch-Hetchy AND operated sailboats?? Oh, to be a transit rider in the 70s…
Just to clarify: The last paper pass will be Oct. 2010. As of November, the paper passes will be no more.
i’m looking for a pass from jan, 1979. Anyone got a scan?
Thanks for finally writing about > RIP Muni Fast Pass «
Mission Mission < Liked it!